All The Buzz Of 10X-ing Your Mortgage Business

10 times-ing your mortgage business… myth or fact?  That’s the topic today.  It may be more about what NOT to do VS what TO do.

On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, your #1 podcast in the country for loan officers, you’ll learn that working harder (grinding more) isn’t the way to go about increasing your production. Tune in to hear the secret to bringing in more loans by shifting your focus to different activities and the way you structure your team. 

When you ask yourself the questions at the end of the podcast – let those set the tone for what changes you need to make. You are worthy. 

Ready to shift your focus to bring in more loans? Hop on a complimentary 1 on 1 call here to see what that looks like.

Clever Yet Simple Way to Close Even More Purchase Deals

In this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for loan officers nationwide, I’m joined by one of our leaders in the Freedom Club, Rachel Tarman, as she shows us how she closes about $3.3M per month doing only what she loves doing… Business Development Rep…

She explains what her role in the business is and how it works fantastic because she loves doing what she does and the relationships she builds with referral partners are strong and nurtured. You’ll hear how she shakes the apple trees, and then let’s them make the apple sauce.

Tune in to learn how this Business Development Rep (BDR) is making the most out of the leads she is bringing in by simply paying attention to them.

If you’re a loan officer looking for ways to bring in more leads for your mortgage business with ways that are proven to work, schedule a call here with one of our team members and we will map that out for you. <no charge>

Branch Manager Topics For Today

Today on Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 loan officer podcast nationwide, I’m joined by Kevin Gillespie discussing the timely topics for branch managers today.

Kevin leads our Branch Manager Academy, a place where like-minded people deal with similar situations in our Freedom Club.

Tune in to hear Kevin and I have a casual conversation about what the market is doing now and how branch managers are utilizing it for the better. 

To find out more on how to use this time to your advantage as a LO or Branch Manager, here’s your chance. I’m offering a free one-on-one call with one of our team members to let you in on the secrets. Click here to schedule.

Loan Officer Freedom