
A Podcast for Loan Officers Ready To Ramp Up Business

Loan Officer Freedom podcast is the #1 resource for loan officers nationwide. Host Carl White, of Mortgage Marketing Animals coaching program and its exclusive group, The Freedom Club, delivers episodes filled with unmatched value for those just becoming loan officers as well as veterans of the mortgage industry. 
For more information about our loan officer coaching programs, visit MortgageMarketingAnimals.com to find out how we have helped thousands of loan officers change their lives. 

Beware the LO Roller Coaster


Beware the LO Roller Coaster…

Do you have a month where you’re on fire and closing an amazing amount of loans, and then the next month the number of loans you close drops drastically and you can’t figure out why? If that sounds like you, chances are you’re on what we like to call the “loan officer roller coaster.” In other words, you bring in new business, and then get stuck in the minutia of the loan process which takes you away from doing the activities that brought in the loans during the month you were on fire and smashing it. It’s easier than you think to unbuckle your seatbelt and get off of the “loan officer roller coaster,” but there are specific exercises and steps to take to create clarity and stability within in your business. To chat about how to do just that, we’re joined by Ralph Watkins who specializes in coaching loan professionals around the country on this exact topic! If you have questions about this topic, set up a free strategy call with one of our coaches at loanofficerfreedom.com/strategycallrequest

These Things May Be Holding You Back From Closing More Loans

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These Things May Be Holding You Back From Closing More Loans

Do you find yourself stuck at a plateau of 5 loans a month, or perhaps 10 loans per month, or maybe you have been stuck at 15 loans per month and you are ready to bust through to the next level?
In this episode, you’ll see those things that may have been holding you back for the mortgage business you truly deserve.
If you have questions about this topic, set up a free strategy call with one of our coaches at loanofficerfreedom.com/strategycallrequest