Do I really need an assistant?

Welcome to Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for loan officers in the country. On this episode, you will hear a candid conversation between Carl White and loan officer Maria Wilder. 

Maria sent in some questions for Carl a couple weeks back and they went a little like this…

  1. If I can only make 1 hire at the present time, who should that person be?
  2. What does their pay structure look like?

They discuss what that 1st assistant does, how they help you close 5-7 more loans per month, what their pay structure looks like, and some huge landmines to avoid. 

Listen in as Maria shares some incredible growth in her business, having had her best month this past August closing a whopping 3.6M. Even in times like these, she stays the course by keeping the pipeline strong in ways that she reveals in this episode.  

One of the top questions you’ll be asking yourself after listening is “am I working with the right people?” Let us help map out what your course should be looking like to keep your pipeline strong. Schedule a complimentary call here.