Branding, Recruiting, & Attracting Referral Partners

In this episode, Carl is joined by industry icon Kelsey Soares where they discuss “branding” that actually works.  They discuss using social media to “warm up the crowd” so that no call is a cold call. 

For the last 9 years, Kelsey Soares has recruited multi billions of dollars to AnnieMac as an industry leading Market Developer & National Business Development Manager. In 2021, she hit an all-time high of 1.2 Billion. Kelsey & her team work directly with the Top 1% of mortgage loan officers across America. She builds proven customized growth plans specific to desired pace & life balance for each loan officer. She supports the flow of creating massive generational wealth, with a primary focus on building billion dollar regions. Her specialty is educating others on AnnieMac’s Acceleration Blue Print so they can achieve massive levels of community impact, legacy building & financial security. Schedule a time and TalkToKelseyHere

For more ways to overcome hurdles in the mortgage business, schedule a call here with our team and we will map out ways to jump right over them!