You’re One Action Away from Being In Control Of Leads

On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, I’m joined by one of the amazing team members here behind the scenes at Mortgage Marketing Animals, Jami Clark. Jami works in the marketing department and is our facilitator of the Loan Officer Breakfast Club zoom meetings.

Today, we chat back and forth about the actions that get leads and referrals. Sometimes, the steps we take need to be looked at to be sure we aren’t putting our eggs all in one basket. There are certain focused actions we can take that we are in complete control over, unlike some ways of advertising and getting leads, such as paid ads through Facebook or Google. 

The basic actions that we talk about in this podcast are proven by hundreds of thousands of loan officers who have used this strategy to ramp up their business and be in control of their leads and referral business. 

You’ll also hear why I always go back to one of my favorite quotes “Feel the fear and do it anyway.”

Want help with getting over the reluctance and fear of these actions? We can walk you through it on a free demo – schedule here.