Branding, Recruiting, & Attracting Referral Partners

In this episode, Carl is joined by industry icon Kelsey Soares where they discuss “branding” that actually works.  They discuss using social media to “warm up the crowd” so that no call is a cold call. 

For the last 9 years, Kelsey Soares has recruited multi billions of dollars to AnnieMac as an industry leading Market Developer & National Business Development Manager. In 2021, she hit an all-time high of 1.2 Billion. Kelsey & her team work directly with the Top 1% of mortgage loan officers across America. She builds proven customized growth plans specific to desired pace & life balance for each loan officer. She supports the flow of creating massive generational wealth, with a primary focus on building billion dollar regions. Her specialty is educating others on AnnieMac’s Acceleration Blue Print so they can achieve massive levels of community impact, legacy building & financial security. Schedule a time and TalkToKelseyHere

For more ways to overcome hurdles in the mortgage business, schedule a call here with our team and we will map out ways to jump right over them!

LO’s caught swimming naked??

There’s an old saying, “When the tide goes out, we can see who has been swimming naked”. 

What that means is, when business goes from having a tailwind of 50mph and loans come in from friends and family members like seagulls going after French fries on the beach, and that changes…

… well, we find out who has been working a PROVEN & SERIOUS business plan, and who has been, well, swimming naked. 

Definition of “swimming naked”: Working on activities, strategies, plans, or shenanigans that aren’t proven, not tested, no real measurable results, and often suggested by somebody that is either a low producer, or even some that have no actual loan experience at all… resulting in the loan officer worried about how much their commission checks have decreased.

..and understand, it’s not the LOs fault that they have been lulled into these “no real results” and “struggle bunny” activities.  Oftentimes it’s just a simple matter of trusting advice from somebody that is just simply giving bad advice.

Lord knows I’ve been prey to people giving bad advice in the past too.

So here’s the thing, in this changing market, we have to make sure that each activity that we do, each dollar that we invest, goes towards something that will actually help us close more loans… to get actual measurable results.

That’s always been the case, but when the market changes, well, that’s when we can see who’s been swimming naked.

Truth be known, we really haven’t changed our “loan getting” activities in my mortgage branch from last year to this year.

Our prospecting strategies, the Daily Success Plan, gave us record breaking loans closings per month (measured in the hundreds per month) last year, and those same activities continue to bring us in hundreds and hundreds of REFERRED leads each month this year, along with hundreds of actual loan closings.

It’s really interesting, when I talk to LOs across the country.  They are seeing the same results too.  Those that work the Success Plan, well, seems they are doing very well.

Those that haven’t made the pivot, well, it’s going to be a very hard time.  

Business advice alert:  Don’t be one of the ones that haven’t made the pivot..

Focus on the activities that are 

1. Taught by people actually in the mortgage business

2. Proven by actual loan officers and / or branch managers

3. Measurable in actual closed loans via REFERRED leads

Oh, and don’t be caught swimming naked next time… 😉

Want to see my Daily Success Plan, go here and I’ll hook you up.

I’ve shown literally thousands of LOs across the country how to get loans from it, it’s your turn now 

See ya in the inside,

Carl White

Half Built Bridges

In this episode, Carl White and Amy Simmon share ideas about what to work on first and why it’s important to work on one thing at a time.

For more ways to overcome hurdles in the mortgage business, schedule a call here with our team and we will map out ways to jump right over them!

Good news for LOs not working with the 3 big banks…

I just heard some breaking news from Fannie Mae that may be fantastic news for those of us that don’t work for the 3 “Big Banks”.

Watch quick recording here

I normally don’t talk so much about rates, because I have found with the right strategies and conversations, my success or lack thereof is not dependent on what “the market” is doing… my actions (or lack of action) is what dictates my volume.

However, when Kevin Gillespie gave me this breaking news, I hit the recorder so I could share with you this morning.

It could be good news… very good news.
For more strategies, set up a totally free coaching call here.

Carl White

Appreciation Ignites

Welcome to Loan Officer Freedom, the top podcast for loan officers. In this episode, Carl White and Leslie Girard share with you how to inspire your team, assistants, and processors to go the extra mile to help you close even more loans.

Leslie is one of our leaders in the Freedom Club here at Mortgage Marketing Animals who has inspired her team by helping them enjoy the rewards of the behind-the-scenes success. 

When each team member has an “all in it together” attitude, it allows company goals to become a reality. Everyone cares about the outcome because they truly feel appreciated with this type of reward for their part in the process. 

Learn how Leslie keeps her team energized and striving to grow more each year.

Let’s chat about more ways to scale your business and finish out the year strong. Here’s a link to schedule a free coaching call with one of our team members.