How He Made $100,000 More This Year

In this episode, Carl White interviews Taylor Briggs.  In the last 2 years, Taylor has increased his loan officer W-2 income by $100,000 including increasing it by $40,000 this year alone. Tune in to find out how he did it.

Let’s have a 1-on-1 conversation where we will literally map out your next 90 days for a solid, actionable plan. Click here to schedule your completely free call now.

Your best ideas “challenge”


Your best and most creative business ideas will never come in the hustle and bustle of the modern workplace.

Nor will they come by listening to the million different opinions and voices which populate social media.

To really come up with innovative and creative ideas, you need to find ways to chill… to stop all the voices in your head.

My 2 most effective “thinking spots” are my daily 25 mile bicycle ride (like I just finished) and / or my front porch in my favorite chair.

I take a voice recorder with me on both of those and record the random thoughts / ideas that I have during those times.

Then, every Friday afternoon I play those voice recordings of the previous week.

90% sound silly when I listen to them…

10% are pure gold that I immediately put into action, and make up our action plan for our high level mastermind group…

(which I’m happy to share with you on this call)

These ideas would NEVER occur to me in the office where the phones are ringing, my team is coming and going, and other activities are constantly happening. All cool activities, but that’s not where the magic happens for me.

Where or how can you create quiet time for your most creative thoughts (even if it’s just 30 mins a day)? Real question, would love to hear yours.

Grinding vs Freedom


There’s a lot of talk about grinding in the mortgage business.

Grinding is something you often have to do when you’re starting as a loan officer.

When you’ve been doing something for YEARS however, you get a little sick of “grinding”.

I don’t mind working hard, but I much prefer setting my life and business up so it’s happy, joyous, free, and lucrative.

All the thinking you do and the models you incorporate into your life and mortgage business, as much as possible, you want to make sure each step leads to those 4 things.

Does it make you happy?

Do you enjoy doing it?

Are you free to do the things you want?

Is what you are doing now making you money?

If you focus on those 4 things, you’ll be able to leave the grind behind.

You’ll wake up to more wealth and Freedom, all with less grinding. 
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