Oops, I think you missed this.

Professional mortgage coaching can provide you with the guidance, support, and accountability you need to achieve your mortgage goals with confidence and speed. With a specialized focus on the mortgage industry, professional coaches are equipped with the knowledge and expertise to help you navigate the complexities of the market and stay ahead of the competition.

Here’s what you missed out on at our last meeting:

1. Yours truly walked through the 12-Step Sales Message Template that I have used for years and have never shared until this meeting. It’s been a game changer for me as I use this template on my calls, my emails, my texts, social media posts, pretty much everything.  This attracts clients like tourists to a beach!

Following this template will drastically increase your conversions on your “call to actions”. Whether it’s to meet with you, or to start referring to you, knowing these 12 steps is a game changer for sure.

2. Podcasting For Results: Devon Dubuc shared how he gets leads every time he does a podcast.

3. How Creative Presentation Skills Landed A Partnership With 1,500 Real Estate Agents: Emmanuel St. Germain

4. How To Leverage AI To Get Even More Referrals: Chris Johnstone

5. The Presentation And Planner That Has Agents Running To Me Like Cats To The Fish Docks: Jason Wagner

6. “What I Wish I Would Have Known, That I’ll Share With You Now” Top Producer Panel: Suzanne Downs, Ken Prost, Dave Tallman, and Cynthia Rock.

7. “Done For You Agent Presentations That Actually Work”.
Our own Tammy Schneider has put together over a dozen “Done For You” classes that have been pulling for us like a pack of mules.

8. State Of The Mortgage Industry… And It’s Good News For The Action Takers: Kevin Broughton (this dude is one of the smartest people I know)

9. Getting Agents And Buyers Off The Fence, The Art Of Persuasion For Their Good And Your Profit: Steve Kyles the Scripting Ninja

10. How To Use AI To Maximize Production And Automation: Toni Taylor

11. Social Media Daily Success Plan: Chelsea Gardner

12. Execution Of Your Plan, The Art Of Getting Things Done (even when you don’t feel like it): Dan Ellis

13. Tracking Your Numbers Like A Boss, How The Winners Do It: Doug Cadaret

14. “Cutting Out The Negative Thoughts That Lie To You”: Glenn Geraci

15. “How I Got 129 Referrals From Realtors In 30 Days”: Leon Belov

16. “Printing $100 Bills Via My Database”: Dave Wicki

17. “How I Met With 99 Agents… 1 At A Time”: Bobby Welch

18. “How I Had My Best Month Ever In October”: Dean Hayes

19. “How We Went From 2 Closings A Month To Closing 9 Last Month… while we traveled Europe….”: Patty Davis and Paul Barrett

…. And there’s actually more.

This doesn’t even account for all the magic that happens during our lunches and dinners that we are doing together.

Getting together with like-minded people is sooooo critical. It’s how the winners win.

When you are ready to see what you have been missing…
Just Go Here and we will walk you through the website and you can see what’s under the hood.

Do it now, and you can come as my guest to our next meeting ☺

You are worth your time investment to be here.
This is what the winners do.

Here’s your private link to register.

A Few Things You Must Do For a Potential Shift in Homebuying

Welcome to Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast in the country for loan officers, hosted by Carl White.

In this episode, your host, Carl White is joined by Owen Lee, the owner of the mortgage company Carl works with.

They discuss the potential impact of the ongoing lawsuit involving real estate agents and the implications it may have on the market and loan officers.

They share their insights and come up with key actions loan officers should take to adapt to potential changes.

Tune in to gain valuable knowledge and stay ahead in the industry.

Schedule a one-on-one free coaching call, click here or visit LoanOfficerStrategyCall.com.

12 Things The Winners Do

Welcome to Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast in the country for loan officers, hosted by Carl White.

In this episode, your host, Carl White is joined by his dear friend and guest, Kevin Broughton, to discuss the key principles outlined in Kevin’s book, “Loan Officer Success.”

Drawing from interviews with 11 top-producing loan officers, Kevin shares the 12 proven practices that set these individuals apart from the average loan officer.

From personal development and strategic thinking to team building and brand mastery, this episode offers valuable insights for loan officers looking to grow their leads and income.

Tune in to learn how to think differently, set effective goals, build a high-performing team, and more.

Schedule a one-on-one free coaching call, click here or visit LoanOfficerStrategyCall.com.

Predictable, yet Strange but true…

Professional mortgage coaching can provide you with the guidance, support, and accountability you need to achieve your mortgage goals with confidence and speed. With a specialized focus on the mortgage industry, professional coaches are equipped with the knowledge and expertise to help you navigate the complexities of the market and stay ahead of the competition.

It’s soooo predictable, yet strange but true…

It happens every single time, never fails. 

I’ll be a guest speaker at a conference.  I ask everyone to stand up.  I then say, “If you know with 100% certainty that if you called your past database from A-Z, with a proven script to get purchase and refi referrals, the kind that actually close, if you know for sure that you would get at least 3 more closings in the next 45 days when you make those calls, stay standing.”

Almost always, 100% of the room stays standing.  But of course, we all know that only works always!

Then I say, “Now, if you have actually called your past database from A-Z in the past 6 months, stay standing.”

In an average room of about 300 loan officers, usually all but about 5 or 6 of the LOs will sit down.

In other words, only about 2% will actually do the very activity that 99.9% of them know will bring in referrals that turn into closings RIGHT NOW.

I have done the above exercise at least 50 times, literally, and the same thing happens over and over.

Oh, and when I ask the very small handful what their loan volume is, predictably, they are almost always the top producers of the room.

And even with this demonstration and knowledge that this is what the top producers do, most will still not do the very activity that they themselves said they knew would work and they saw firsthand the results of those that are actually doing it… the top producers.
Strange but true.

See here’s the problem, they are actively looking for new things to do, instead of doing more of what they know already works.

I see droves of loan officers unnecessarily going through hard times right now because they have bought into the notion that “doing sales activity is a bad thing, and to be avoided at all costs.”

See, I’ve always thought of it the other way around.

You aren’t “selling mortgages” to people, YOU ARE SOLVING PROBLEMS.

Look, the seller wants to sell their home.  You help solve that problem by funding the buyer.

The listing agent wants to sell the seller’s home.  You help solve that problem by funding the buyer.

The buying agent wants to help the buyer buy a home.  You help solve that problem by funding the buyer.

The buyer wants to buy the home.  You help solve that problem by funding their new home purchase.

Your processor wants to process a loan so he/she can earn a paycheck to buy Christmas presents for her/his kids.  You help solve that problem by creating a loan file for each buyer.

… and it goes on and on.

YOU ARE SOLVING PROBLEMS, oh, and you get paid well when you do so.

And the more loans that you generate, you solve even more problems.

Now you can see why I’m so eager for my team to close hundreds and hundreds of loans that we close each and every month.

You see, me and my family would be totally ok with just closing 2 or 3 loans per month.  I’ve saved money, I have great investments, I could never close another loan and we would be just fine.

But you see, it’s much more than that…

… people are counting on me to help solve problems. 

People are counting on you to help solve problems.

It’s our obligation as decent human beings to help solve as many problems as we can.  There are so many people that need help… and you and I can help.

When you look at it that way, you can see why I’m a life-long student on how to get better and better and to make sure I’m maximizing my skill set to help even more people.  It’s what cool people like you and me do.

You and I are students of success, and we understand that we aren’t just selling loans, we are solving problems and will do whatever it takes to do that.

Thanks for being part of “the few”.  I knew I could count on you.

<Stepping off the box and going back to my seat>.

PS.  I just finished doing a complete revamp of my website of my #1 rated loan officer coaching/training program.

I would love to walk you through and get your suggestions and feedback.

Go Here and I’ll set you up with a 1 on 1 walkthrough and demo of what’s in there and how it may be able to help you too, and to get your feedback.

Thanks so much, and thanks for being you.

Oh, and if you want a copy of the proven script that we use with our past database to get purchase referrals AND refi referrals from them, just remind us on the 1 on 1 call and I’ll give you that too for your trouble.

Pick A Time Best For You Here

Getting Leads Is NOT Your Problem

Welcome to Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast in the country for loan officers, hosted by Carl White.

In this episode, your host, Carl White expresses his gratitude to listeners and discusses the importance of committing to necessary actions in order to succeed as a loan officer.

He emphasizes the need to focus on proven strategies rather than constantly searching for new tactics and shares a powerful script for reaching out to agents to generate leads.

He also introduces the concept of future casting and offers listeners the opportunity to receive personalized guidance through a free consultation.

Tune in to gain valuable insights and set yourself up for success in the mortgage industry.

Schedule a one-on-one free coaching call, click here or visit LoanOfficerStrategyCall.com.