A Podcast for Loan Officers Ready To Ramp Up Business
How To Use A Virtual Assistant To Help You Earn Even More!

I want to start off by saying how much I appreciate all of you who listen to this podcast and forward these episodes to your loan officer friends! It’s because of you that Loan Officer Freedom is the #1 podcast for loan officers in the U.S. On today’s episode, I have the pleasure of speaking with a dear friend of mine, Mr. Richard Smith himself. Many of you may know Richard, but if you don’t you’re in for a treat.
I think we’re all pretty familiar with the loan officer roller coaster; that is, one month our production is up but the next month we’re down. The number one reason why that happens is that we’re spending too much time IN the business instead of ON the business. You’re working on the files, chasing conditions, and putting out fires when your focus needs to be on building relationships with referral partners. But while you’re doing that who is going to help you with your files? That’s where a virtual assistant comes in…and that’s exactly what we’re going to talk about today. We’re discussing:
- What a virtual assistant is.
- Where to find a virtual assistant.
- Why a virtual assistant is going to help you earn more in less time.
If you have questions about this topic, set up a complimentary coaching call at LoanOfficerFreedomCall.com
Focus On The Relationships You Already Have So You Can Close Even More Loans

On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the number 1 podcast for Loan Officers, Mike and I are talking about how you can optimize the relationships you already have. Wanna know why that’s so important? Because you don’t want to be so busy building the farm that you forget to milk the cows, and in this instance, milking the cows you already have can prove to be much more efficient and profitable (more on that in the episode).
When you focus on the relationships you already have you can get to the next level in your business even faster. A buddy of mine said about his restaurant that it’s much easier to get a one-time visitor to come a second time than it is to get someone in the doors the first time. In this episode, we’re gonna share exactly how to take advantage of that same concept for your business too. Listen up if you’re interested in hearing about:
- How to get a $100,000 raise using a simple strategy
- The scripts we use to get our agents and past database (the folks we’ve already done business with) to convert
- The one thing you can do right now to get your next deal
If you have questions about this topic, set up a complimentary coaching call at LoanOfficerFreedomCall.com
Earning More As A Mortgage Loan Officer Is Easier Than You Think

On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the number 1 podcast for Loan Officers in the U.S., I’m sitting and chatting with my dear friend Scott Griffin. Many loan officers think an increase in production means an increase in headaches and even more nights and weekends spent in the office. But what if I told that isn’t true at all if you do it right? My dear friend and leader in the Freedom Club, Scott, closed out 2019 with more than $1MM in earned income when just a few years ago he’d earned less than $70,000.
Scott is a broker and the sole producer in his office and he more than 10X his production over the last few years, while…get this…is spending LESS time in the office. How? That’s what we’re talking about today. We’ll touch on a few things that you need to do in order to earn more while doing less, including:
- What opportunities are available to you and what you believe you can achieve.
- Who needs to be on your team.
- How to overcome certain fears we have as loan officers.
If you have questions about this topic, set up a complimentary coaching call at LoanOfficerFreedomCall.com
The 3 Mortgage Marketing Secrets To Doubling Your Business In A Year

This year, we want to focus on what’s actually going to move the needle the most for you in your mortgage business so on today’s episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the number 1 podcast for loan officers, I’m chatting with one of the leaders in the Freedom Club, Adam. Adam has spent the last year fine-tuning his branch in order to double and nearly triple his production! By the way, the increase in production are mostly purchases.
During the episode, Adam will share what he did first to get him in the right frame of mind and the activities that needed to take place including:
– What loan originators really need to be responsible for
– What the loan partner’s role is
– Which referral partners make a difference
If you have questions about this topic, set up a complimentary coaching call at LoanOfficerFreedomCall.com
How You Can Compete With One Of the Biggest Mortgage Companies In the Nation

We hear all the time that Rocket Mortgage dominates the mortgage industry, but how much market share do they actually have and how can YOU as a local mortgage business compete? That’s what I’m talking to my dear friend Owen about on this episode of Loan Officer Freedom! There is a lot more room for you to be successful than you might think. This is not an episode you’re gonna want to miss. You’re going to learn:
- Which technology systems you need to have in place in your business.
- How much market share you actually need to be successful.
- How to reduce sales friction in your day to day operations.
Want to implement this stuff into your mortgage business? Remember, it’s not a good use of your time to set it up yourself and if you’re a loan officer or Branch Manager your company should help you set up this kind of technology in order for you to have the tools you need to be successful. If you want help with any of this, reach out to me by visiting LoanOfficerStrategyCall.com
How To Stay Encouraged When You’re Ready To Give Up

On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, we’re talking about staying encouraged in this business. We all know being a loan officer is not easy. There’s a lot involved in being successful within our industry and sometimes, perhaps more often that not, many of us are wanting to give up or quit. If that’s how you feel, then this episode is for you.
My dear friend Larissa, has been in the business for quite some time and was ready to give up. During that time in her career, she found some encouragement to continue on. Not only did she continue, but she gained tremendous success in doing so!
On this episode you’ll learn:
– What you can do to stay encouraged
– How to push through any fear you may have
– Who you can lean on for encouragement
If you have questions about this topic, set up a complimentary coaching call at LoanOfficerFreedomCall.com
How To Be A Successful Branch Manager

So you’re thinking about becoming a branch manager, or maybe you’re already a branch manager, but want to know more about the producing vs. a non-producing branch manager models. Well, I’m sitting here with two very dear friends of mine, Ralph and Kristin Watkins. By the way, for those of you who don’t know this is the couple that got me into the mortgage business to begin with. I’m very grateful to be sitting here and chatting with them today about this. We’ve all been in the position of a loan officer, producing and non-producing branch manager and there are differences to every model. No one is better than the other, they’re all just different.
If you’re interested in hearing which model may be the best fit for you, then you’re going to want to stay tuned to this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for Loan Officers. We’ll touch on:
- Recruiting efforts
- The best time to recruit
- How you can ramp up your business
- How the 80/20 rule will apply to your situation
If you have questions about this topic, set up a complimentary coaching call at LoanOfficerFreedomCall.com
How To Convert 30% + of your leads

On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for loan officers, I’m chatting with my dear friend Doug Cadaret. Doug is a master when it comes to optimizing sales opportunities and today, we’re sharing with you the secret to converting 30% or more of the leads you bring in as a loan officer.
Way too often I hear loan officers say they need to generate even more leads, but what kind of leads are you generating? They first need to be quality leads. Once you have quality leads you then need to find out how many of those leads you’re able to convert. Typically, LOs are able to convert between 1% – 10% of the leads they generate. If you want to make sure you’re generating quality leads and convert at a higher rate, stay tuned to this episode of the podcast.
If you have questions about this topic, set up a complimentary coaching call at LoanOfficerFreedomCall.com
About Our Guest:

Doug Cadaret
The Freedom Club
What You Need To Be A Successful Branch Manager

Do you want to know how double your production in a year? In Peyton’s case she went from closing $24 Million in production to more than $50 Million in 9 months and you can too. On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for Loan Officers, I’m chatting with Peyton Fullerton who is one of the leaders in The Freedom Club to discuss what steps she took to grow her branch while prioritizing her family.
As a producing branch manager, being the sole producer, you might think doubling your production means even more work, stress, and headaches. But listen how she’s on track to triple her business all while working 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday – Friday without her personal cell phone ringing off the hook. She’ll talk to us about:
– The ONE THING that dramatically changed the outcome of her business
– Her team structure
– Which technology resources her team uses
– How her mindset needed to change in order to get what she wanted
If you have questions about this topic, set up a complimentary coaching call at LoanOfficerFreedomCall.com
About Our Guest:

Peyton Fullerton
Branch Manager
Fairway Independent Mortgage