How This Simple Action Will Make You Wealthy As A Loan Officer


Matthew Enfield is a brand new Loan Officer (just licensed within the last 4 weeks) and is already set to close $2 Million in volume! He reached out to me on Facebook to say some of the episodes here on Loan Officer Freedom were very helpful for him as he starts his career in the mortgage industry. I felt so honored to be a part of his journey of awesomeness that I decided to have him on as a guest!

So the question is, how do you close $2M+ in volume in your first month in the business?! On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for Loan Officers, I’m going to have a pretty candid conversation with Matt about exactly what he’s been implementing over the last several weeks. By simply implementing much of what he’s heard here on the podcast has been the catalyst in moving the needle for him, but you’ll notice it’s a simple little action that he takes, consistently, to get the business. Whether you’re new to the business or a 20+ year veteran, this is a great episode for you to listen to and learn from.

If you’d like help implementing the strategies we’re discussing on this episode, visit: to set up your complimentary strategy session.