Ask These 3 Questions to Your Team

On this new episode of Loan Officer Freedom, your #1 podcast for loan officers nationwide, I’m joined by our podcast producer here at the Mortgage Marketing Animals coaching program, Ms. Jami Clark. 

Today, we are chatting all things morning meetings. Why we have them and are they a time suck? 

In this podcast, I’ll tell you why I had to step back and think about a more effective approach to these meetings and what 3 questions I found to be the most important when gathering with my team. 

Stop letting these hour meetings be a time suck when you can be out prospecting more business. Tune in to hear these 3 questions to ask your team and why what I call MOD is so significant. 

We can help you structure your team today by jumping on a one-on-one call here and letting us map that out for you.