What to Say Over the Holidays…

It’s often the small things we say that have the power to change everything for someone.

A year ago, I heard Ron Howard, the very successful Hollywood director, share a story from when he was just six years old and playing Opie on The Andy Griffith Show.

A simple, casual comment made to him at that time changed EVERYTHING.

One week, Bert Lahr (who played the Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz) was a guest star on The Andy Griffith Show.

While Andy Griffith and Don Knotts (Barney) were shooting a scene, Bert and little Ron were just off-camera, watching.

At the end of the scene, Bert leaned over to Ron and said, “Ronny, I see how you watch the cameraman and the angles of the shots. You’re going to grow up to be a famous director someday.”

Ron shared that something shifted in his thinking at that moment.

That single comment sparked a dream, and he decided he wanted to move beyond acting and into directing.

All from a simple 15-second conversation.

Bert likely forgot about it shortly after, but Ron never did.

Ron went on to direct over 24 movies, including Apollo 13, A Beautiful Mind, and How The Grinch Stole Christmas (with Jim Carrey), entertaining millions of people worldwide.

This story reminds me of the power our words hold during the holidays—and really, any time of year.

Everyday conversations, even those that seem small and insignificant to us, can have a lasting, life-changing impact on someone else.

This can be used for good or bad, so let’s make a conscious effort to ensure our words are positive, encouraging, and kind, especially during the holidays.

What seems like a “nothing” conversation to us could become a pivotal moment for someone else.

And now, Bert’s simple 15-second conversation is being shared again here, hopefully continuing to inspire and impact even more people today as you read this.

So, 50 or 60 years from now, what conversation of yours will someone be sharing?

Let’s make it one that has a positive impact—not one they reflect on during a tough counseling session.

Here’s my challenge to you: Take a moment today to share a kind word, encouragement, or appreciation with someone—whether it’s a client, colleague, or loved one.

You have the power to create a lasting impact with just a few thoughtful words.

Let’s make this holiday season one of connection, kindness, and inspiration. I believe in you, and I’m grateful for the positive impact you’re making.