What Dan Marino taught me

Sometimes the biggest lessons come from the most surprising sources.

Dan Marino was the quarterback for the Miami Dolphins back in the 1980s & 90s.  He is regarded as one of the greatest of all time. 

He was famous for his “golden arm” of being able to throw the ball so accurately. 

But you see, he had an unfair advantage…

…His protective linemen (the guys that separated him from the other team members trying to get to him and tackle him), absolutely LOVED him and protected him like their lives depended on it.

You see, Dan was famous for thanking his protected lineman before and after every game.

Some of you may remember TV ads where Dan would tell the story that every year he bought his linemen very nice dress winter gloves.

His tagline on the ad:  Take care of the hands that take care of you.

Absolutely BRILLIANT!!!

So where’s the specific lesson for us today, almost 40 years later?

Your processor, your loan partner, your underwriter, perhaps your branch manager, these are all people that can make you or absolutely break you.

How you treat them, how you talk to them, and how often you thank them, both in the good times and challenging times matters more than most people likely realize.

Anytime I need a “rush job”, a favor, or some extra consideration on a file, I assure you I get special attention.  Why?  Because I give them special attention on a daily basis.

I send thank you cards, I call them up with no agenda other than to simply tell them how much I appreciate them.

I call the owners of the mortgage company that I work for and tell them how about I appreciate them.  I thank them for giving me a very stable place to work when so many companies are being sold or shut down.

I tell my assistant how much I appreciate her.  The Lovely Mrs. White and I send her tickets to concerts and shows.
I take care of the hands that take care of me!  And I do it in the good times and the challenging times.

Now, of course, if I have somebody on my team that is substandard and causing late closings or unhappy borrowers or referral partners, or if a processor is “stirring the pot” with my other team members, I don’t thank those people, I replace them.

So those that are left are very very worthy of my thanks, which is foremost the right thing to do, and as a bonus, positions me to be in their favor.

So go make some deposits by thanking those that surround you.  And not just when you need something, but on an ongoing basis even when things aren’t going your way.

Make it part of your daily routine.

Take care of the hands that take care of you.

Oh, and thank you so much for allowing me into your life and being a part of your day today.  I’m forever grateful.   Really.

I got your back because I know you have mine. Let me know how we can help you – click here to talk to my team.