Time To Take The Plunge?

Congrats to Loan Officer Freedom Club leader Jim Driscoll from Lynnfield, Mass.  

He reported to me that he’s now closing 18-20 loans a month, which has him taking The Plunge of Coolness…  read on…

“Just this week, I have taken 13 new purchase loan applications by referral.  In the past 5 months I’ve been able to grow from getting referrals from 6 agents to 28.”

“In the past, trying to stay current on the latest marketing programs and techniques was a constant grind. I’d find myself spending hours searching online, wondering what ideas would work and wasting time on ones that failed.”

“When I discovered Mortgage Marketing Animals, I felt as though I hadfound a business partner – one with a proven plan for success. Joining the Freedom Club gave me access to resources that helped me take my business to the higher levels – not only helpful tools but guidance to keep me on track.”

I am so proud of Jim and what he has accomplished!

Get a free sample of a 1 hour coaching call here, just like Jim gets … or keep grinding…

Talk to you inside ☺

Carl White