The 3 Activities You Have To Be Doing Right Now To Survive Today’s Market

Welcome to another valuable episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast worldwide for loan officers at all stages of their career.

Join me and Steve Kyles for a discussion on what activities you need to be doing to survive today’s market. Before we get into anything, let’s highlight the fact that 2022 is slated to be the best year ever for purchase loans. Keep that foundational thinking as we continue with this podcast.

I’m going to give you the three most impactful things to be doing and they go a little like this…

  1. Sell what’s on the shelf 
  2. Keep your eye on profitability 
  3. Save your 25%

Primary focus should be your key takeaway from this episode. Staying laser focused on the right activities in the mortgage business right now to continue to get more customers. The person doing the most activity to get the most customers, has the most customers. 
We’ve got your back.

Let us help you. Schedule a call today with one of our strategists to map out your next 90-days in today’s market.