How To Shift From Refi’s To Purchase Deals… A Case Study

In this episode, Carl White reviews a case study of how Devin Dubuc and his team have had massive success switching from primarily a “refi shop” to bringing in a large amount of purchase deals.

Devin is a valued member of our exclusive mortgage coaching program, Freedom Club, who has pivoted and found a different way of doing business for success. 

He is sharing how his company is seeing major wins by implementing what we call “loan getting activities” that have been proven to work and are consistently taught within the coaching program.   

Listen in to hear Carl & Devin talk about the secret to being successful through all the changes they’ve seen in their many years in the mortgage industry.  

Pivoting takes a commitment and if you’re ready to make that adjustment in your business, we can help. Schedule a free 60-minute coaching call here.

What To Cut Loose

In this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for loan officers in the world, your host Carl White, talks about what to cut loose to free you up and how to focus on those things that you are best at.

We’re all looking for freedom of some sort in our lives, whether it’s financial freedom, relationship freedom, business freedom, and so on…

Asking yourself the question of “what do I need to cut loose” could start a whole new journey of freedom for you. In this podcast, Carl drops a great quote for all of us to think about … “We may think when we cut these things out, we’ll have less – but actually we will have so, so much more”

Listen in to hear the action items he gives to you and how you can start your road to freedom today. 

If finding freedom is a goal of yours, we’d love to help you get started. Schedule a free coaching call here.

Easing Of Margin Compression

In this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the best podcast out there for loan officers and branch managers, Carl White is joined by industry legend, Kevin Gillespie.

They’re discussing the projected easing of margin compression, which likely means slowing down the “race to the bottom” of some shops pricing loans at a loss to gain market share.

Tune in to hear this quick but very valuable podcast.

If you are finding yourself running into challenges in today’s market, let us help. Schedule a complimentary call here with one of our coaches and we will map out a 90-day plan for your business.