What does that cost????

“I know you are tired and scared to move forward.  But what does it cost to stay?”

That was my response to a LO that I was talking with this week.

You see, she was asking about how to bring in more leads, and she was hesitant to make phone calls because of the ol’ call reluctance thingy.

Now let’s say she was following the Daily Success Plan…

I’m sure we can agree that when she is calling on agents that are closing at least a buyer deal each month, that when she is calling those agents with a proven script, I would imagine if she did that for 2 hours a week, for sure she is likely to bring in another deal each week.

That’s 4 more closings each month right there.

And let’s say she’s calling the listing agents of those 4 deals, using a proven script, and she does it each week, can we agree that at least 1 of them would send her a deal..
That’s a total of 5 more closings each month so far.

Let’s say she calls her past database and let’s say it’s a smaller one, say 300 past clients (or friends and family in the area she is licensed) with a proven script that has shown to give about 1 closing per month per 100 people in her database.

That alone with being another 3 loans.. each month.

Now we are talking about a total of 8 more closings each month.

And finally, let’s say she calls all the borrowers that she has previously pre-approved, and she checks in with them every Thursday morning to see how the house hunting is going and to make sure she reminds them that she is their lender.

Can we agree that at least 1 of those would close with her that may have been led astray to another LO if she hadn’t been in weekly contact?

So now we have a running total of an extra 9 closings each month.

And I’m of the belief, based on my own experience, these are actually very, very conservative numbers and not a stretch at all.

Now let’s say she makes $3,000 per closing. I get it, some of you more, some of you less, but just as a national average.

9 extra closings would be an EXTRA $27,000 per month.

That adds up to an EXTRA $324,000 per year.

Where I come from, we have a saying, “Every $324,000 helps….


So as you are reading this today. I know you may be tired.  And I know you may be hesitant to move forward.

But what is it costing you to stay at your current level?

If it’s the ol’ call reluctance, which is usually just a simple “I’m not sure what to say to who”, I can help you with that.

Hit me up here and either myself or one of my team, who I have personally trained, will solve that problem for you forever… and for no charge.

You are worthy, it’s your turn now.

Love em Or They Leave

Welcome to Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast in the country for loan officers, hosted by Carl White.

In this episode, your host, Carl White is joined by Kevin Gillespie, one of the partners at the Freedom Club and leader of the Leadership Academy.

They discuss the three things that can help you get more out of your team: praise, recognition, and validation.

They share insights on how a lack of appreciation can lead to losing top talent and the power of recognizing and validating your team members.

They also provide practical ideas for showing appreciation, such as monthly and quarterly awards, handwritten thank you notes, and even celebrity shout-outs.

Tune in to learn more about the power of praise and recognition in maximizing team potential.

Schedule a one-on-one free coaching call, visit ProfitDrivenPlan.com

Stop The Trigger Leads

Welcome to Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast in the country for loan officers, hosted by Carl White.

In this episode your host, Carl White is joined by special guest Owen Lee to discuss the controversial topic of trigger leads and the efforts being made to eliminate them.

Owen, who is the CEO of Success Mortgage Partners and a board member of the Mortgage Bankers Association, shares his insights on the negative impact of trigger leads and the proposed legislation that aims to ban their sale.

They also discuss the importance of loan officers joining the Mortgage Action Alliance to have their voices heard and make a difference in the industry.

Tune in to learn more about this timely topic and how you can get involved.

Schedule a one-on-one free coaching call, click here or visit LoanOfficerStrategyCall.com.

Funny, yet somewhat true story

A friend of mine, Carrie, was telling me a story about how she had a co-worker that would come to the lunchroom every day and open up a brown paper bag that had his lunch.

He would sit at her table, then slowly open the brown bag he had brought for lunch, to see what was inside side.  He would then pull out a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, look at it, roll his eyes, and commence eating his sandwich. 

Every day the same routine.  Open the bag, hoping there would be a change, but nope, he would pull out yet another peanut butter and jelly sandwich, roll his eyes and put out a groan of misery, and commence eating the same thing, work day after work day, week after week, month after month.

After this went on for about 4 months, my friend, Carrie, tired of hiring the whimpering, asked him one day “Why don’t you ask your wife to make you something different for a change?”

“Oh”, he replied, “my wife doesn’t make my lunch, she has a job too.  I make my own lunch every day…”

You see, his actions, or lack thereof, were responsible for his own “misery”.

He kept doing the same thing, day after day, week after week, month after month expecting different results, but of course experienced nothing but frustration.

And even though we may find this story amusing, asking ourselves “why is he making the same sandwich for himself over and over when obviously he “wants” something else”, how many of us have been (or are being) guilty of the same thing in our mortgage business.
Many LO’s keep staring at the phone, wondering why it’s not ringing off the hook, or wondering why our social media “likes” aren’t actually turning into real leads, applications, or closings…

Or how so many LOs keep buying “magic beans”… over and over and over.. resulting in little or no closings.

You know what I mean, the ol’ “If you do this, people will be begging to work with you without you having to ever do outbound calling..” or “do this on social media and you too will be rolling in the loans…”  kind of stuff.

But you and I know that it’s the salesmanship that actually produces the sales.

Trust me, I have to remind myself of these things pretty darn often.

We have to actually take action and make actual contact with people who can refer us business (all for free), and then actually contact those people that were referred to us.

Anything else and, well, we’ll get the same results as our peanut butter friend.  The same lack of results, over and over and over and over.

You deserve so much more!

There are no “magic beans”.

Soooo…. If you are tired of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, hit me up, and let’s make something else..

You are worthy.

From Zero to 14 Closings

Welcome to Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast in the country for loan officers, hosted by Carl White.

In this episode your host, Carl White is joined by loan officer Andrew Byer and his mentor Devin Dubuc.

Andrew shares his journey from being a VP in sales at Bank of America to becoming a successful lone officer at Click and Close.

They discuss the importance of phone calls, building relationships with agents, and the power of the daily success plan.

Andrew’s impressive production numbers and commitment to following the proven strategies highlight the effectiveness of the simple yet powerful techniques discussed in this episode.

Tune in to learn how Andrew’s dedication and hard work have propelled him to new heights in the mortgage industry.

Schedule a one-on-one free coaching call, click here or visit LoanOfficerStrategyCall.com

Loan Officer Freedom