Realtors Lose Lawsuit, What Now?

Welcome to Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast in the country for loan officers, hosted by Carl White.

In this episode, your host, Carl White is joined by his long-time friend, Brian Stevens, to discuss the recent class action lawsuit against the National Association of Realtors and large brokerages.

They delve into the allegations of collusion to artificially inflate real estate commissions and the potential impact on the industry.

They also explore the implications for lenders and loan officers, as well as the future of the real estate market.

Tune in for an insightful conversation on the changing landscape of the industry.

Schedule a one-on-one free coaching call, click here or visit

Coming to you from 36,000 feet above the ground…

Professional mortgage coaching can provide you with the guidance, support, and accountability you need to achieve your mortgage goals with confidence and speed. With a specialized focus on the mortgage industry, professional coaches are equipped with the knowledge and expertise to help you navigate the complexities of the market and stay ahead of the competition.

As I write this, I am streaking across the sky at 36,000 feet above the ground at a speed of around 526 mph.  

But here’s the weird part, had Orville Wright not caught Typhoid Fever, which almost killed him, it’s possible that I wouldn’t be in this jet…  read on.

I’ll tie this in with loan officer success, just give me a couple mins here.. it’s worth it

So years before they even thought about flying, when Orville with deathly ill with Typhoid Fever, and couldn’t work at their bicycle store, his brother, Wilbur, sat beside his bed for 6 weeks reading to him in the attempt to keep him from becoming unconscious. 

It was thought that if he could stimulate Orville’s brain, that he had a better chance of survival.

Well, several of the magazines that Wilbur read to him, just by pure chance, had articles about the theories of flight.  They were part of a Scientific American style of magazines that a buddy gave him as something to read to Orville.

6 weeks later when Orville was well enough to speak and have rational thought, he asked Wilbur, “Hey, I remember you reading to me about the possibility of human flight, can you reread them to me?  That sounds very interesting.”

The rest is history.

So if Orville hadn’t gone through the very challenging “hard time”, he wouldn’t have had his period of life-changing massive growth
… and the world would have likely never heard of the Wright Brothers, they wouldn’t have become multi-millionaires (back when that was some serious money), and who knows how long before the next person would have advanced such a wonderful gift to all of us… the glory and convenience of flight.

So what does that mean to us today as mortgage professionals?

Look, I know it’s a challenging time for many.  The industry may feel like it’s sick in bed with Typhoid Fever.

But we all need to keep in mind 2 things.

1.  We have our biggest growth in challenging times

We learn so much during these times.  We don’t grow muscles until somebody puts weights on our barbells.  Embrace these times, we can change the world with our learning and then take action.

2.  Some loan officers are having their best month ever, find them then do what they do.

I just got a text about one of our members, Erica Bille in Kyle, TX.  She closed 10 units last month which was her best month ever.  She said she simply ignores the “noise” and follows the Daily Success Plan.

I know it seems challenging, but I believe you are up for the challenge.

Stay away from those people that say things like “everybody is down” or “you have to get a side job” or “nobody answers their phone” or “Realtors have no closings”.  None of that is true.  Statements and people making those statements are absolute poison for the winners like you and me.

Hang out with the winners.  You see, winners will always find a way to win.  Just simply follow their same path and it’s my belief that you will arrive at their same destination of success.

Oh, and if you need somebody to read to you, give me a buzz, I got your back.

I can hook you up with a Daily Success Plan meeting with a step-by-step of exactly what the winners are doing.  <no charge>

Just Started This Year And Crushing It

Welcome to Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast in the country for loan officers, hosted by Carl White.

In this episode, your host, Carl White is joined by two guests, Devin Dubuc and Christina Waggoner. They share their experiences and insights as loan officers.

Christina, who recently got back into the business, discusses her journey and the strategies she implemented to achieve success, including joining a branch that embraces a proven plan and focusing on qualified agents.

She also emphasizes the importance of accountability and the support of a strong team.

Tune in to learn more about Christina’s impressive results and the power of following a successful plan.

Schedule a one-on-one free coaching call, click here or visit

Maximizing Referral Opportunities with AI

Welcome to Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast in the country for loan officers, hosted by Carl White.

In this episode, your host, Carl White is joined by Chris Johnstone, to discuss the use of AI in attracting more referral partners.

They delve into the step-by-step process of creating a list, reaching out to potential partners, making an offer, and implementing a follow-up sequence.

With the help of AI technology, loan officers can streamline their efforts and increase their chances of securing more referrals.

To learn more about this incredible opportunity, visit

Tune in to learn how AI can revolutionize your referral partner strategy.

Schedule a one-on-one free coaching call, click here or visit

It’s a funny thing.

Professional mortgage coaching can provide you with the guidance, support, and accountability you need to achieve your mortgage goals with confidence and speed. With a specialized focus on the mortgage industry, professional coaches are equipped with the knowledge and expertise to help you navigate the complexities of the market and stay ahead of the competition.

Success isn’t “avoiding problems”.  “Success” is handling problems quickly.  Success is how fast we identify what the real problem is, and then how quickly we address and fix the problems, and then how likely we are to learn from that experience and not duplicate that same problem.

It’s a funny thing how the different “classes” of LO’s react to our current market.

Those that don’t want to “address the real problem” point at “the market” as the reason things aren’t going as well as they want.

Those that are ready to do what it takes, well, they are asking LOs that are “up” in the current market, they are asking them how they are doing it… what specific action items they are doing.

They then simply copy their activities.  It’s really just that simple.

On a social media post, I was congratulating a dear friend and leader of our mastermind group on closing 42 loans of personal production last month.  (yeah, I verified it)

While most were skeptical (I understand that), only 1 reached out to me and asked if I could get her on a private Zoom meeting with just the 3 of us and map out how she did it.

During that 30-minute Zoom meeting, we identified how her process differed from his, and a couple of action items that she was doing differently than he is currently doing.

I loved listening as these 2 really smart people were exchanging ideas back and forth.

The point is… well, it’s really a question for all of my readers today…
Are we going to spend our time looking at charts and graphs that may help us justify closing less loans, or are we going to spend our time collaborating with those that are actually up this year from last?

Just know that both are available.  We just have to ask ourselves, which will serve us best…

I know you will make the right choice today all while you and I understand and feel for those that choose to look for justification and point at “the market” as the culprit.

I learned long ago, “the market” doesn’t dictate our success… “our actions”, working on the right productive proven things are what dictate our success.

I believe in you!

Your Wingman,

Carl White

PS.  When you are ready for a private Zoom meeting to collaborate and to see what are today’s best success action items, hit me up here.  I totally have your back (because I know you have mine).