Tools You Need in A Rapidly Increasing Rate Environment

Welcome to this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for loan officers in the United States. Today, I’m joined by my partner here at our top mortgage training program, Mortgage Marketing Animals. 

We’re sharing 5 tips on how branch managers can provide the best resources and tools for their loan officers, in a rapidly increasing rate environment. 

In order to grow, we need to accept the reality that help is our number one opportunity. With that help, comes the right way to implement proper procedures, processes, and accountability. That’s exactly what we share with you today on this episode. Tune in to hear details that you can use in your business starting today…

We have resources that we want to share with you – free of charge. Schedule your call today with one of our strategists and let’s map out your next 90-days.

The Triad of Awesomeness

In this quick hit video, Steve Kyles gives you the truth on how to go from the normal level loan officer to being a top producing loan officer. Steve shares how he was pushed over the ledge from a normal LO to a top producer by understanding what you need in your business. If you are looking to grow form 4 to 8 , 8 to12, or any more than now, there is one thing you have to accept – you cannot do it alone. Learn who you need and how to build that team by tuning in for the winning recipe that we call the Triad of Awesomeness here at the Mortgage Marketing Animals.

Getting Free..

Here’s a simple question that can free up your time and help you achieve more success…

“What do I need to cut loose?”

For example:

If you don’t cut loose certain people on your team, or certain borrowers, maybe even a “referral partner”, you’re actually wasting their time (and yours)… 

…And what’s worse, they could kill your efforts to bring in more loans yet have less headaches.

If you don’t cut loose from certain places, you’re being held down from a greater level of success or may not ever be able to achieve your greatest potential and live the life you were meant to live.

If you don’t cut loose certain habits in your life, you’re unnecessarily causing yourself anxiety, frustration, and negative outcomes. And what’s worse, they could kill you…  Trust me, I’ve had some doozies in my past.

What in your life do you need to cut loose because it will cause you serious damage in terms of money, stress, wasted time, reputation, or progress?

It’s important to realize that cutting people loose frees them. Cutting mediocrity and negativity loose frees YOU.

Come up with at least 5 things in your life that you need to cut loose, or they will drag you down.

Remember: You don’t need to tolerate mediocrity.

Once you’ve determined what you need to cut loose, here’s the next question:

“What am I best at?”

This is the question that really could transform your life. Why?

Because your life then becomes focused on what you’re best at.

Cutting the nonsense out of your life and focusing on what you’re best at multiplies your life in so many positive ways.

We may think when we cut these things out that we have less, but we actually have more… much much much more..

It happens through simplifying your life.

Talk soon!

Carl White

How to Save and Spend Money

Welcome back to Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for loan officers in all North America. Today, I am joined by my partner in crime – Maria White.

Over the years, I have seen the same thing; loan officers making a ton of money, but never saving it – ultimately leaving them penniless. In today’s episode, Maria and I discuss the three primary ways to make money: Inherit, Invent, and Invest.

For most of us, inheriting and inventing doesn’t work out so great. That leaves us with investing. Investing isn’t always about stocks – it’s also about investing in yourself and your mortgage business.

Listen in as we discuss, in my opinion, the best practices to save AND spend money.

Schedule your complimentary loan officer coaching call here.

WHO on Your Team is Handling File Fires?

Loan officers can learn the unmeasurable value in allowing a WHO on your team to put out fires and chase conditions while you work at building authentic relationships that in turn bring in authentic referrals. Tune in to hear Steve Kyles share another quick tip to help steer your mortgage business in the right direction.

Loan Officer Freedom