Zero inbox is NOT a prize

A while ago I received a course on “How To Get A Zero Inbox of Emails”.

After spending about 12 or so hours reading the course and then implementing it, I came to a shocking conclusion:

Zero Inbox Is Not A Prize!!

After doing everything it said, which took a good part of a day, I found that I had ZERO more deals; Zero more income; and really accomplished absolutely nothing that is measurable.

There is no magical check or money order that pops into your inbox when you get that “zero inbox” notification…

I also shockingly discovered that more emails just pop in 3 minutes later.

I remember that early in my career, feeling overwhelmed with all the emails, that I actually did an “email bankruptcy” and just deleted all inboxes, and never saw a difference…

I discovered that when I really wanted to see a difference in my productivity, when I really wanted to increase the purchase deals in my pipeline, that I had to do actual “Loan Getting Activity”.

I spent the next 30 days in “lock down mode” and mapped out, then implemented a simple 4 step plan to bring in more purchase loans…

… and not just a few more loans, but A LOT OF PURCHASE LOANS.

I did this by doing an intensive study of my last 50 purchase deals that came in.

I asked myself this simple question:

“What specific activities brought in the last 50 purchase deals?”

and “What do I need to do to do more of that / those things?”

I was actually shocked to see how simple this was going to be.

I found it was 4 basic activities:

1. Talk to more agents that were currently closing 8 or more buyer sides in the last 12 months.

2. Ask for more referrals from the agents and buyers that I was currently working with in current deals in my pipeline.

3. Contact my past database using 3 methods (phone calls <gasp>, monthly mailers, and emails (the emails were the least effective even though I could automate them).

4. Call my pre-approved buyers once a week, encouraging them (by having them mentally visualize why they were buying a new home in the first place), and then using a very simple and cool script, ask them for referrals of their friends, family, and co-workers who were looking to buy, sell, or refinance.

That’s it.  Just sooooo simple.
That’s how I drastically increased my purchase deals in a very, very short period of time, and that’s how my team still does it today to have one of the most successful teams in the nation, all while I am working a 32-hour work week with frequent vacations.

If you are going to work, if you are going to put effort into something, let’s make sure it has actual measurable results (more closed loans).

I know that doesn’t sound sexy, I know it all happens without having to “build a funnel”, I know it all happens without me paying for a bunch of Zillow leads or using some fancy smancy widget of some sort.

It’s just following a simple 4 step process that I now call the Daily Success Plan.

It’s just that simple.

That’s exactly what I now help thousands of loan officers across the nation in programs like my high level Loan Officer Freedom program.

Just to show you how simple it is, I’ll give you a completely free and LIVE 1 hour 1 on 1 zoom call, just like the ones that these high producing loan officers and branch managers get on our private one on one calls, and walk you through it step by step.

Go Here to schedule your free and private 1 on 1 sample coaching call and we’ll map out in detail, along with scripts we use on our Daily Success Plan.  I’m convinced this will be a very very good use of your time.

See you on the inside (and don’t waste time getting to “zero inbox”)…

Your Questions Answered – Part II

On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, your #1 loan officer podcast in the world, Jami and I continue onto Part II of the “FAQ” that loan officers are asking about in today’s changing market. 

Tune in to find out what tasks are the most impactful these days, who and how to hire the right people so you can continue to bring in more loans, training and trusting your new loan partner(s) and finding balance in the most realistic way possible. 

Need help organizing your day for the most impact? Let us help you. Jump on a one-on-one zoom call with one of our mortgage marketing coaches and they’ll map that out for you.

Closing more of your pre-approved and looking…

I’ve been told that my Saturday emails are very helpful in giving ideas on how to close more loans in less time.  This one is a particular biggie.  

Be sure to read on and I’m sure you’ll agree with me.

Picture this, you have a pre-approved buyer who is out looking for a home, and out of frustration, they decide to put this on hold.

So in reality, everybody loses here.  

They were moving to solve a problem, perhaps a bigger home, a smaller home, closer to work, out in the country for more privacy and fresh air, perhaps a home with a “home office” room so they don’t have to work at the kitchen table with the kids running around…

Then they got frustrated and stopped looking at new homes.

You get the idea.

The buyers’ agent loses out, because they just lost a commission check.

And of course, the LO (you) lose out.  You spent the time getting the lead / referral, spent the money to pull credit, took all the time to structure the best mortgage plan with them, all resulting in zero dollars made….

I bet this sounds all too familiar right now.  So how can we fix this?

Easy, read on….

In my branch, we call the pre-approved and looking people every Thursday.  

That day wasn’t just pulled out of a hat.  I actually did some scientific studies that proved that it is the most effective day.  (I knew that science degree would pay off some day)

Perhaps on an upcoming Saturday email we can talk about why Thursday is the best day, but for brevity, just know that day has at least 4 reasons why it’s the best day.

The purpose of the Thursday call is to do a couple of things….

#1: Get more referrals (I’ll show you where to get the script we use for free in just a minute)

#2: To keep them motivated to keep looking and making offers (as long as that’s in their best interest of course).

#2 is what we will talk about today… and this is THE Biggie!

The biggest reason buyers get frustrated and stop looking and stop making offers isn’t because of inventory issues…

The reason they get frustrated is that they forget why they were wanting to get a new home in the first place.

They forget that they are tired of paying high rent.  

They forget that they can’t get their work done when they are working at the kitchen table with the kids playing video games 5 feet away.  

They forget how much their family will enjoy the new pool…

They forget the reason why they were motivated to start the home buying process in the beginning.

So it’s our job as the pro to remind them of why

Once you master this “Art of Influence”, you and everybody else in the process, will benefit from it greatly… and it only takes about 3 mins per week per PAAL (Pre-Approved And Looking).

Here’s the name of the technique that you want to master on that call:

Future Casting (I’ve also heard this called “Future Pacing”)

Future casting is where you get somebody to envision that they already have that very thing that they want.

For instance, let’s say they are buying a home so that their family has a pool home.

On that 3 minute Thursday call, I’ll say something like…

Me:  “So <prospects name>, if I remember right, you guys are buying this new home so your kids have a pool to play in this summer, is that right?”

Them:  “Yes”.

Me:  “Wow, how your kids will love you for that.  I can hear them splashing in the pool and then you and the Mrs. (or Mr..) will be the “cool” parents because their friends will come to your house on the weekends to hang out and spend time with you guys.  I can smell the poolside BBQ on the grill already.”

You see, you want your pre-approved buyers to visualize what it’s going to be like.  You want them to hear the kids laughing and smelling the BBQ.

Whatever problem they are solving by buying that new house, you want them to have a mental picture of what the solution feels like with great detail.

If they are moving closer to work, have them visualize being able to save 45 minutes of drive time so that they can go take a walk around the lake at the park before picking up the kids from school.

Can you see how this reignites the fire and helps to influence them in a cool way to push past the frustrations because the end result will be worth it?

There’s an old saying, “Wherever your head is, your butt will soon  follow”.  
Once you master this high level of influence tool, they win, you win, and the buyers’ agents win. 

I’ve also found that the buyers’ agents will send even more referrals, because “you” are the LO that helps convert leads into closed transactions, so that the agents can work with even more buyers.

It has a snowball effect.  More referrals to you = more closings = more referrals to you… and the ball keeps growing (as does your bank account).

So this Thursday, put this into action.  It’s very powerful and rewarding to help even more families turn their dreams into reality.

Get my full script for free here.

I’ll give you a free 1 on 1 coaching call as a demo to exactly how we help high level LOs in our group do this very thing in full detail.

Imagine getting even more referrals, resulting in even more closings, and helping even more families, and building up your own bank account. 

I want you to picture what you would do with the income you would make with an extra 5 closings next month.  What would you do with an extra $10,000… perhaps an extra $15,000 just from this one simple technique.

Pretty darn cool!

Ask These 3 Questions to Your Team

On this new episode of Loan Officer Freedom, your #1 podcast for loan officers nationwide, I’m joined by our podcast producer here at the Mortgage Marketing Animals coaching program, Ms. Jami Clark. 

Today, we are chatting all things morning meetings. Why we have them and are they a time suck? 

In this podcast, I’ll tell you why I had to step back and think about a more effective approach to these meetings and what 3 questions I found to be the most important when gathering with my team. 

Stop letting these hour meetings be a time suck when you can be out prospecting more business. Tune in to hear these 3 questions to ask your team and why what I call MOD is so significant. 

We can help you structure your team today by jumping on a one-on-one call here and letting us map that out for you.

Loan Officer Freedom