In the dynamic world of mortgage lending, efficiency and client satisfaction are key. Loan Officer A.I. CRM, a groundbreaking innovation by Connection Inc., is transforming the landscape for loan officers. This blog explores how this CRM stands as a beacon of progress, offering unparalleled tools for success.
My first branch manager told me one time, “Don’t market to your past database if you hate money, because it will make you a bunch of money”.
25 years later I have discovered he was soooooo right.
I have brought in probably between $50,000,000 to $75,000,000 in income revenue by simply marketing to my databases in recent years.
I’m seeing a lot of loan officers really ramping back up by simply doing that, marketing to their past database.
For example, John Fortener, a loan officer in a small town in Georgia. Get this, he currently has:
1. 4 pre-approved and looking from his past database
2. 1 past database that let him know today during a phone call that he is looking to sell a couple of his properties, so now John is referring those listing referrals to an agent that refers to him
3. 1 past client referral that is under contract right now and that client has sent John another 2 leads
4. Oh, and did I mention John has 3 new referrals from agents that started referring to him because of the Daily Success Plan that John is now implementing.
5. And he has 3 new deals in the loop to close this month that has listing agents that John hasn’t worked with before, which is yet some more opportunities for John by working the Just Ask Campaign.
See how all of this snowballs?
“From 1 deal we get 2 more” kind of thing. It’s really just that simple… well, assuming we are following the Daily Success Plan…
Congrats John for taking action and leading by example.
So for all of us, we need to make sure we are marketing to our past database, because it’s likely the easiest loans to get with minimal marketing costs…
… and that’s a beautiful thing!
Inspiring you to achieve what you deserve!