Rates are down, now what?? 

I was talking to a loan officer this past week and she mentioned that she would never call her past database that closed from 2020 to around 2021.  I asked her why, and she said it was because they all had rates of 3% or less and it would be unethical to refinance them. 
Now you and I could talk about how doing debt consolidation may save that client hundreds of dollars a month and moving high-interest rate credit card debt to tax-deductible low interest rate mortgage financing may be something worth looking at… 
… but let’s ignore all that for just a few minutes… 
What she didn’t know is that for me, we call our database because MOST of the loans we get when we do call our database aren’t from “them”, it’s the referrals they give us to their friends, family members, and co-workers.   
Yep, most of our “past database loans” aren’t a redo of them, it’s purchase referrals of people that they know. 
Now, if (although unlikely) rates were to drop to the 3’s, of course most of the referrals would be refinances.  But almost always, the biggest opportunity is with the people they know. 
And the reason why they do refer their friends, family members, and co-workers is because that’s what we ask them in our phone scripts. 
You see, you get what you ask for… 
and if you ask for nothing, well, that’s exactly what you’ll get most of the time
When you are ready for some free scripting help (I’ll give you the exact script we use) and even do some phone roll-playing, just hit me up here and I’ll hook you up. 
Or maybe you are closing all the loans, helping all the families, and making all the money you ever dreamed of already.  If so, keep doing what you’re doing.  If not, let’s hook up here <no charge> 
Get the results you are worthy of!  It’s your turn now.