
A Podcast for Loan Officers Ready To Ramp Up Business

Loan Officer Freedom podcast is the #1 resource for loan officers nationwide. Host Carl White, of Mortgage Marketing Animals coaching program and its exclusive group, The Freedom Club, delivers episodes filled with unmatched value for those just becoming loan officers as well as veterans of the mortgage industry. 
For more information about our loan officer coaching programs, visit MortgageMarketingAnimals.com to find out how we have helped thousands of loan officers change their lives. 

Making A Transition – Part 3


Making A Transition – Part 3

In this three-part series, Carl White and branch manager/top LO Adriana Bates help map out the best way for you to find success in your business, whether you stay where you are, or branch out on your own. The final episode of the series addresses that you did the thing, and now you’re a standalone Loan Officer. What now? Tune in as Adriana details what exactly she did to hit the ground running when she started her own branch, and how she kept her old referrals while adding new clients through marketing and automation. If you have any questions about making your own transition, or how to identify if you need to make a switch, visit LOJobHelp.com.

Making A Transition – Part 2


Making A Transition – Part 2

So, you’ve made a list of your expectations for yourself, your team, or your employer. You’ve spoken with your boss or team and set a date for when those expectations should be met – and guess what? That day is here. You’ve made the decision, you’ve dealt with your fears. What’s next?

In this three-part series, we talk with Adriana Bates, a Loan Officer and Branch Manager, about the steps she took when it was time for her to make a transition. We’ll take out all the guesswork with her detailed guide about what to do and when to do it, and how to make that tough decision.

Here’s a taste of what we’ll go over in part 2 –
• How to deal with the Fear of making a change in your business.
• Setting up a backup plan.
• How to be transparent about you transition and why it’s better for your clients.
• How to really sell your team and promote YOU Inc.

We’ll also talk about how to keep your successful momentum going while putting yourself in a better situation.

If you have any questions about making your own transition, or how to identify if you need to make a switch, visit LOJobHelp.com.

Making A Transition – Part 1


Making A Transition – Part 1

What happens when you find yourself thinking that it may be time for a change? It may be to another team or a whole new company. Or it may be a change within yourself. How do we know when it’s the right time to jump into action?

In this three-part series, we talk with Adriana Bates, a Loan Officer and Branch Manager, about the steps she took when it was time for her to make a transition. We’ll take out all the guesswork with her detailed guide about what to do and when to do it, and how to make that tough decision.

Here’s a taste of what we’ll go over in part 1 –
• Identifying your ”Why?”
• How to make an honest assessment.
• Identifying your desired work environment.
• Are you self-sabotaging yourself?

We’ll also talk about how to keep your successful momentum going while putting yourself in a better situation.

If you have any questions about making your own transition, or how to identify if you need to make a switch, visit LOJobHelp.com.

Going From 4 Loans To 24 Loans Per Month


Going From 4 Loans To 24 Loans Per Month

On this newest edition of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 Podcast For Loan Officers in America, you will hear call interview Kory Kavanewsky, a loan officer that closed $116 Million in loans last year and one of our leaders in The Freedom Club for Loan Officers.

  • You’ll hear what his team looks like
  • How to go from 4 loans per month to 24 loans per month (like he did)
  • What he sees as his “secret sauce” for epic growth and bringing in more business.

If you have questions about this topic, set up a free strategy call with one of our coaches at loanofficerfreedom.com/strategycallrequest

Teaching Classes to Engage New Real Estate Agents


Teaching Classes to Engage New Real Estate Agents

Looking for another way to engage with Real Estate Agents? Want to impress a few top producers with your amazing intellect? Teach a CE class! Or any class that helps Real Estate Agents market or understand mortgages better.

In this podcast we will discover how Katie White used Lunch & Learns and CE classes to increase her production by 300% in just 12 months.

Here’s a taste of what Carl and Katie discuss in this episode:

• CE Classes or any type of class? Where to start.
• What type of content and where to get it
• How to get butts in the seats, by involving your favorite title company.
• How to turn classes into loans (FOLLOW UP)
• What the follow up looks like and who does it
• How often should you teach the classes
• What do you do if someone asks questions you don’t know the answer to
• How to handle the increase in business, so you can teach more classes

If you have questions about this topic, set up a free strategy call with one of our coaches at loanofficerfreedom.com/strategycallrequest


96% increase in closings with David Krichmar… How he did it


96% increase in closings with David Krichmar

You hear a lot of people claiming to have doubled their business by doing one simple trick.

If you’re like me, you’re probably thinking “yeah…..right.”

But Freedom Club member David Krichmar actually doubled his business.

And guess what else?

He did it without adding a single extra hour to his workday.

Find out how David increased his closing rate by 96% in the span of a year and secured his spot as the unicorn of the LO world in our latest podcast

In this episode, Carl and David go over what he did, step by step, to reach his goals, so that you can get to that level of awesome too.

After listening, schedule your complimentary strategy call to get even more scripts and a detailed step by step plan mapped out just for you at LoanOfficerStrategyCall.com

The Monthly Mixer


The Monthly Mixer

Tired of teaching classes and putting together boring power points? Maybe you’ve never taught a class because its just not your thing. Here’s an awesome alternative!

In the next episode of the #1 rated podcast for LOs, in the world. Thanks to you! We chat with Suzanne Downs, a loan officer in Beautiful West Palm Beach, and she tells us how she shows appreciation for the people that send her business, which results in even more business, all while also creating a fun and relaxed atmosphere for people she wants to do business with! 

Here’s a taste of what Carl and Suzanne cover in this episode.

  • How to set up the event.
  • Choosing a venue.
  • How to send out the invites.
  • Some extra do’s and don’ts.
  • Plus some tips and tricks to get some sponsors to cover the tab!

After listening, schedule your complimentary strategy call to get even more scripts and a detailed step by step plan mapped out just for you at www.LoanOfficerStrategyCall.com

Managing The Stress


Managing The Stress

In this episode, Brady Webb chats with us about how he unwinds before his day even begins, which has helped him see impressive growth in his business while keeping his stress down.

Brady’s 3 Steps to less stress:

  • He goes to the gym first thing in the morning, 30-45 minutes max.
  • He has a team in place at the office to solve the daily minutia.
  • He is closing more loans, which actually gives him less stress.

After listening, schedule your complimentary strategy call to get even more scripts and a detailed step by step plan mapped out just for you at www.LoanOfficerStrategyCall.com