A Podcast for Loan Officers Ready To Ramp Up Business
Monthly Mixers: Relationship Marketing

I’ve come to realize I’m not in the mortgage business, I’m really in the business of building relationships with people. Relationship marketing, by far, is one of the best types of marketing activities I’ve implemented in my own business by attending and hosting educational events. But putting together power points and teaching classes isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Longtime leader in the Freedom Club and my dear friend, Suzanne Downs, has found epic success with relationship marketing without creating a single power point presentation. Want to know how?
On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom – the number one podcast for Loan Officers, thanks to you fine folks – Suzanne and I talk about how she shows appreciation for the people that send her business while creating a fun and relaxed atmosphere during her monthly mixers in order to generate even more business every single month.
In this episode you’ll learn:
- How to coordinate a monthly mixer
- Who to invite
- Getting sponsors to offset the cost
- How to strategically follow up with the attendees
After listening, schedule your complimentary coaching call to get even more scripts and a detailed step by step plan mapped out just for you at www.LoanOfficerFreedomCall.com
About Our Guest:

Suzanne Downs
President & Mortgage Broker
Palm Beach Mortgage Group
Talking About Hard Money Loans

On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the number one podcast for Loan Officer, I’m talking to my friend and a new leader in the Freedom Club, Chris Jameson. Chris is an expert when it comes to hard money loans, we all think we know what a hard money loan is, but what are they really? There are many misconceptions out there when it comes to these loans and I’ll admit I believed some of the myths about them too. Have you heard any of the following?
- Hard money loans are only for people who have poor or bad credit.
- Borrowers who use hard money loans don’t have any money for a down payment.
- If a borrower uses a hard money loan, it’s because they don’t qualify for a conventional loan.
They’re all myths, and my buddy Chris is here to shed some light on what a hard money loan is and isn’t and the three reasons a borrower typically uses this loan for. Want to find out more? Listen in on today’s episode.
If you have questions about this topic, set up a Free Strategy Call with one of our coaches at LoanOfficerFreedom.com/StrategyCallRequest
About Our Guest

Chris Jameson
Freedom Private Money
What Needs To Happen In Order To Grow?

With nearly 20 years serving in the United States Navy, it comes as no surprise that Larry serves his community by educating veterans on VA Home loans with pride. I sincerely thank him and all the veterans and those on active duty for their service. Today, I’m thrilled to announce my dear friend is joining us on the podcast to shed light on what he’s done to organize himself and his team in a way that allows him to see such tremendous growth year after year.
On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the number one podcast for Loan Officers in the world, we will talk about:
- What was done in order to close 72 units in his very first year
- Why an assistant can mean consistent growth for your business by leaps and bounds
- How to have an attitude of serving others
If you have questions about this topic, set up a Free Strategy Call with one of our coaches at LoanOfficerFreedom.com/StrategyCallRequest
About Our Guest:

Larry Gonzales
Sr. Mortgage Loan Officer
Aligned Mortgage
Can You Quadruple Your Income In Just One Year Like He Did?

Every so often we have to put our big boy/girl pants on, step up to the plate and get things done in order to make major changes to our business. Consequently making major changes to our business can impact our personal lives as well, wouldn’t you agree? On this episode of the podcast, I am honored to introduce my very dear friend, Scott Griffin who, in just 4 years is on track to increase his personal, yes I said personal, income by nearly $1.3M! Isn’t that incredible?
Scott has a truly remarkable story that I can’t wait for you to hear. He was gracious enough to be completely transparent and share his story. On this episode you’ll hear about:
- The paradigm shift that occurred in order for such rapid growth.
- The single most influential activity that allowed him to increase his production rapidly.
- His personal income amount each year since 2015.
You might be amazed by the amount of growth shared during this podcast and I am so proud of my brother, Scott. If you want to know how you can get on track to see similar results, set up a Free Strategy Call with one of our coaches at LoanOfficerFreedom.com/StrategyCallRequest.
About Our Guest:

Scott Griffin
Scott Griffin Financial Management Services
Empowered To Be Successful “Small Town Girl Makes Good” Series

On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the number one podcast for Loan Officers, I have a very special guest! My friend and leader in the Freedom Club, Colleen Woods. Colleen has an amazing story and shares that she felt empowered to make the move she knew she needed to make when she saw how the structure of a team could help her not only increase her business but decrease the number of hours she spent on her business.
In this episode listen and learn how Colleen:
- Was encouraged & empowered to create a team that didn’t cost her money, but made her money!
- Hired her first employee and how that positively impacted her business.
- Increased her loan production from 5 loans per month to over 20 per month on average.
If you have questions about this topic, set up a Free Strategy Call with one of our coaches at LoanOfficerFreedom.com/StrategyCallRequest
About Our Guest

Colleen Wood
Mortgage Advisor
Fairway Mortgage Corporation
What It Looks Like To Have A Freedom Mindset “Small Town Boy Makes Good” Series

Hakim Singleton is one of our leaders in the Freedom Club and has become a success story very quickly. On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the number one podcast for Loan Officers, I’m speaking with my dear friend Hakim Singleton. Hakim joined the Freedom Club less than a year ago and, like many of our Freedom Club members, has seen tremendous growth! Not only has he seen an increase in his production, but more importantly he has been able to spend more time with his family!
In this episode, we discuss what it looks like to go from closing 5 – 6 loans per month to 13+ every month, while only focusing on what it is you do best…bringing in the business. Hakim discusses:
- His positive mindset
- The time & freedom he is able to experience with his family
- The action he took in order to cross the 10-loan per month threshold
If you have questions about this topic, set up a Free Strategy Call with one of our coaches at LoanOfficerFreedom.com/StrategyCallRequest
About Our Guest:

Hakim Singleton
Branch Manager
Home Vantage Mortgage
How To Have Massive Growth In Your Business “Small Town Boy Makes Good” Series

When someone joins The Freedom Club, my [top tier] mastermind group, we coach each member to get them to reach their financial [and career] goals. Everyone has a unique set of circumstances, but they’ve all seen massive growth! Today, I’m talking to one of our members and leaders in the Freedom Club, Ron Pippen, who was closing about 5 loans this time last year. Now, he’s averaging 18 units per month.
In this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for Loan Officers, we’re going to share the activities Ron and his team have done to nearly 4x his production in a year! A few things to keep in mind:
- You’ll grow when you do the right activities
- About 10 – 20% of your past database moves every year
- Stay front and center
If you have questions about this topic, set up a Free Strategy Call with one of our coaches at LoanOfficerFreedom.com/StrategyCallRequest
About Our Guest:

Ron Pippin
Branch Manager
Cardinal Financial Company
How To Get Rid Of Negative Self Talk

Do you ever notice that little guy or gal on your shoulder putting negative thoughts into your head and keeping you from taking the action you know you should take in order to achieve your goals, be it in your professional or personal life?
In today’s episode, I get to speak with the ultra-lovely Ms. Irene Dufford, who is a great inspiration to me and has helped me in more ways than one! In this episode, we talk about why we have negative thoughts and what we can do to get rid of them. Now, I was a little embarrassed to admit that I’ve done some of the activities to help me overcome some of my thoughts and doubts, but ultimately it’s helped me grow into becoming a better father, husband, businessman, just overall a better person. Both Irene and I…along with many in our Freedom Club program have been able to see tremendous results when putting these activities into practice.
Remember, “your emotions determine how you feel, how you feel turn into your actions, and your actions determine your results. So, if you want good results, be intentional about the thoughts you put into your head.”
About Our Guest

Irene Duford
Freedom Club Success Coach
Irene has been in the Mortgage business for 20 + years and has been coaching Top Producing Loan Originators in The Freedom Club/Mortgage Marketing Animals since 2012. She is passionate about inspiring and encouraging others to believe in their success, help them map out a specific plan and hold them accountable to achieve massive results. Irene and her husband Kevin also have a Loan Team Training business. They train Loan Assistants/Loan Partners in systems, processes, scripts and dialogues, and other specific ways to “Wow” the clients and referral partners. www.loanteamtraining.com She loves spending time with her husband, kids and grandkids. She enjoys traveling, learning, self-improvement, live music, theatre, movies, and going to the beach.
How This Loan Officer Drastically Increased His Production In Just 4 Weeks “Small Town Boy Makes Good” Series

What would life look like for you if you were able to drastically increase your production? Think about that for a moment. On today’s episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the number 1 podcast for loan officers, I’m talking to one of the leaders in our Freedom Club, Cody Heard! Cody joined our mastermind program about 6 months ago and in the first 4 weeks saw a dramatic change in his production by using one of our most successful strategies.
Listen to this episode to find out exactly what that strategy is and how Cody went from closing just 4 loans to 17 loans per month in 4 weeks.
If you have questions about this topic, set up a Free Strategy Call with one of our coaches at LoanOfficerFreedom.com/StrategyCallRequest
About Our Guest

Cody Heard is the Team Lead and has been a mortgage loan officer since
2007. He credits his success on building relationships, having the heart of
a teacher and always keeping an open line of communication. His passion to help people goes beyond the home loan process as he’s a member of the National Association of Mortgage Bankers (NAMB) and Fusion Five. When he’s not working, Cody enjoys spending time with his wife, Jami, and daughters, Madelyn Jane and Anne-Marie.