
A Podcast for Loan Officers Ready To Ramp Up Business

Loan Officer Freedom podcast is the #1 resource for loan officers nationwide. Host Carl White, of Mortgage Marketing Animals coaching program and its exclusive group, The Freedom Club, delivers episodes filled with unmatched value for those just becoming loan officers as well as veterans of the mortgage industry. 
For more information about our loan officer coaching programs, visit MortgageMarketingAnimals.com to find out how we have helped thousands of loan officers change their lives. 

Stop The Scroll, This is Outside The Box

Welcome to another episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast in the world for loan officers. Today, I’m here with Michelle Poulin, Freedom Club member and frequent attendee on our weekly ‘Brunch and Learn’ class.  

This past week, Michelle mentioned an out of the box idea she came up with and put into play for her business. I immediately thought “stop the scroll…I need to hear more.”

Here’s a short version of this remarkable concept, without giving too much away. So, basically, Michelle and her husband bought a 1000 sq ft area near their office that they have turned into a local hub for anyone affiliated with their business, whether it’s realtors, insurance agents, or title companies. The list goes on for the potential connections. You’ll have to listen in to hear what they have done with this space and how they have made themselves the go to for resources in their area. 

Truly an inspiring idea that we can all gain insight from. Tune in today… 

Get more inspiring ideas by scheduling a FREE call with one of our top coaches!

Using the 40 Focus Tracker

Welcome back to another episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast nationwide for loan officers. Today, I’m joined once again by my dear friend and top coaching strategist, Kristin Simpson. 

We have a lot of proven strategies that we love to share with our members, and it has helped them grow their business to heights they’ve never imagined.

Kristin is sharing a fantastic way to streamline and organize the tracking of communication with qualified agents. In our coaching program resource library, we have a genius way to track communication and outcomes, which we have named the Focus 40 Tracker. It’s what every loan officer needs to be doing in their mortgage business to bring in consistent and ongoing referrals. 

On this episode, we chat about where and how to get a qualified agent list, how many you should be calling, what to say on the phone, and your next steps in the process. 

Kristin even tells us why we need to “FROG” people…hmmm, that sounds interesting. 

Tune in to hear more about it…

Ready to get the scripts and more? Schedule a call today to get access.

Warming Up Cold Calling Without Reluctance

On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for loan officers in the world, I’m joined by one of our remarkable coaches here at Mortgage Marketing Animals, Mrs. Kristin Simpson. 

Kristin and I bounce ideas back and forth about how to make cold calling not as chilly as it’s made out to be by sharing ways to melt the ice.

There are proven strategies our program teaches members, such as the Daily Success Plan. Calling realtors, making coffee appointments, and getting it done. Kristin stresses the importance of conversation and how you, no matter how many loans you are currently working, can implement this immediately. How, you ask? Well, that’s why you’ll have to listen in to hear Kristin and I give examples, stories, scripts, and strategies that really (like really,really) work. 

Ready to implement this and many more? We’ve got plenty to choose from…schedule a coaching call…no charge…click here to choose a time that works.

Working With Financial Planners (while getting rich yourself)

Welcome to Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for loan officers nationwide. Today, I’m joined by my dear friend Todd Ballenger, who crossed over into the mortgage industry from the financial advisor side of things for pure interest of how to help people utilize their money the best possible way.  

Todd is an icon and leader here in the mortgage industry and today has given me an “aha” moment that you’re sure to be wowed by.

When I was a producing loan officer, I never thought much about a connection or need for connection for that matter to a financial advisor – which now I know could lead to more referral opportunities.

Well, you’re in luck my friends. Today, Todd and I discuss the ways to merge as a partnership to discover that suitability and eligibility don’t have to conflict if the objective for the client remains the same.

Tune in to hear these mind-blowing ways you can use this untapped avenue for referrals – the right way.

Ready to hear more ways to ramp up your referral business? Choose a time here that works best for you, and we will connect you with one of our top strategists here at Mortgage Marketing Animals.

Tools You Need in A Rapidly Increasing Rate Environment

Welcome to this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for loan officers in the United States. Today, I’m joined by my partner here at our top mortgage training program, Mortgage Marketing Animals. 

We’re sharing 5 tips on how branch managers can provide the best resources and tools for their loan officers, in a rapidly increasing rate environment. 

In order to grow, we need to accept the reality that help is our number one opportunity. With that help, comes the right way to implement proper procedures, processes, and accountability. That’s exactly what we share with you today on this episode. Tune in to hear details that you can use in your business starting today…

We have resources that we want to share with you – free of charge. Schedule your call today with one of our strategists and let’s map out your next 90-days.

How to Save and Spend Money

Welcome back to Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for loan officers in all North America. Today, I am joined by my partner in crime – Maria White.

Over the years, I have seen the same thing; loan officers making a ton of money, but never saving it – ultimately leaving them penniless. In today’s episode, Maria and I discuss the three primary ways to make money: Inherit, Invent, and Invest.

For most of us, inheriting and inventing doesn’t work out so great. That leaves us with investing. Investing isn’t always about stocks – it’s also about investing in yourself and your mortgage business.

Listen in as we discuss, in my opinion, the best practices to save AND spend money.

Schedule your complimentary loan officer coaching call here.

A Day in The Life of a Loan Officer

On this week’s episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast in the world today for loan officers, I’m joined by one of our strategic advisors here at The Mortgage Marketing Animals, Blake Otterson.

Blake and I sit down to discuss what happens in the day of a loan officer. I’ll share my personal routine on waking up bright and early, starting the day with a positive activity, and strategically having a plan in place.

Planned days are structured for the most production with proper planning that is set forth by consistent boundaries and efficient schedules.

Listen in as we deliver information on how to avoid pitfalls of distractions and map out a day that provides results and structured activities.

Hear more strategies that we use to build out our day, using what we call the daily success plan. Schedule your complimentary demo here.

Setting Up Automatic Opportunities

Tune in to this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the top podcast for loan officers nationwide, as Kevin Broughton and I casually chat about two ninja tools that we use in our mortgage business and feel you could benefit from in yours as well.

When I come across something cool or a new strategy that is working for our industry, it’s my goal to be able to share these things with you on this podcast. 

Kevin and I talk about a program called Sales Boomerang, where there are a couple tools within that can not only trigger alerts for when a former client has their credit pulled for anything mortgage related, but also a feature that allows you to be notified of opportunities from clients who you can circle back around with for a continued relationship. 

You’ll be ready to put these smart gadgets into action after you hear just how advantageous this can be to set yourself up for when you need to be ready to use this built-up database of those who know, like, and trust you. 

Schedule your complimentary loan officer coaching call here.

No More Extinguishing Fires

Welcome back to Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for loan officers in all North America. I’m anxious to share this episode with you as I sit down with Kevin Broughton and have a casual conversation about working with loan assistants.  

Chasing conditions and putting out fires tiring you out? Considering hiring a loan assistant and need to know more details on what comes with that? 

On this episode, Kevin and I go through the dos and don’ts of the right time and the right way to go about it. Loan officers often are led to believe that more loans are equal to more work, and quite frankly, that’s just not the case. 

Listen in as we roll out the most efficient ways to bring on a loan assistant and effective actions to take to utilize the right person to help grow your business. 

Looking for more ways to better ramp up business? We’ve got ideas and strategies that are proven.

Schedule a free demo call here with one of our loan officer coaches.

Loan Officer Freedom