
A Podcast for Loan Officers Ready To Ramp Up Business

Loan Officer Freedom podcast is the #1 resource for loan officers nationwide. Host Carl White, of Mortgage Marketing Animals coaching program and its exclusive group, The Freedom Club, delivers episodes filled with unmatched value for those just becoming loan officers as well as veterans of the mortgage industry. 
For more information about our loan officer coaching programs, visit MortgageMarketingAnimals.com to find out how we have helped thousands of loan officers change their lives. 

Clever Yet Simple Way to Close Even More Purchase Deals

In this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for loan officers nationwide, I’m joined by one of our leaders in the Freedom Club, Rachel Tarman, as she shows us how she closes about $3.3M per month doing only what she loves doing… Business Development Rep…

She explains what her role in the business is and how it works fantastic because she loves doing what she does and the relationships she builds with referral partners are strong and nurtured. You’ll hear how she shakes the apple trees, and then let’s them make the apple sauce.

Tune in to learn how this Business Development Rep (BDR) is making the most out of the leads she is bringing in by simply paying attention to them.

If you’re a loan officer looking for ways to bring in more leads for your mortgage business with ways that are proven to work, schedule a call here with one of our team members and we will map that out for you. <no charge>

Branch Manager Topics For Today

Today on Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 loan officer podcast nationwide, I’m joined by Kevin Gillespie discussing the timely topics for branch managers today.

Kevin leads our Branch Manager Academy, a place where like-minded people deal with similar situations in our Freedom Club.

Tune in to hear Kevin and I have a casual conversation about what the market is doing now and how branch managers are utilizing it for the better. 

To find out more on how to use this time to your advantage as a LO or Branch Manager, here’s your chance. I’m offering a free one-on-one call with one of our team members to let you in on the secrets. Click here to schedule.

Take Imperfect Action Now

Knowing that we’re not perfect is a big step in moving forward to greatness, but in order to do that, we need to accept and focus on the efforts of version 1, 2, and 3. 

In this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for loan officers, I’m riding solo today and talking about how you can put ‘perfect’ aside and instead start putting one foot in front of the other..

If you’ve ever struggled with taking steps because you feel your efforts won’t provide a perfect result, then you’ve clicked on the right episode. 

Learn how to close more loans in less time, without having to sacrifice precious time with family & friends. Schedule a one-on-one free call here where we will go over a daily plan for your specific mortgage business. 

Help me with my help

In this episode, Erica Homefield and Carl talk about turning your assistant from an overhead / expense into a profit center.  It’s never been more important than now to have help, and this episode will show you how to help ensure that your help makes you double or triple of what their salary is.

For a free demo of how Mortgage Marketing Animals can help you scale your mortgage business, click here to schedule.

I Screwed Up and I Don’t Know What To Say

Yes, sometimes things go wrong with the transaction – so, what do you do and what should you say when it does?

Today, I’m briefly going over what 3 things you should do when a mistake is made, and the closing day may be affected. 

Learning how to take responsibility as a loan originator and putting these 3 actions into place will ensure that this mistake can be avoided in the future. It’s how you adjust and move on that counts. 

Frankly, our growth usually comes frow our worst times. Listen in to hear how you can approach situations like this and how to get through them the right way.

For a free demo of how Mortgage Marketing Animals can help you scale your mortgage business, click here to schedule. 

Going All In

Going all in takes courage and commitment, especially if you start off with very little to give.

On this episode, I’m joined by my good friend and an inspiration to so many, Hakim Singleton, who is a loan officer out of Philadelphia, as he shares the story of how going all in changed his life. 

If you’re struggling with the way the market is going and can’t figure out a plan that works or need the specific activities to double down on and motivation to push a little harder, this is the episode for you. 

I have always believed that our biggest growths are during our hardest times. If you need help overcoming the challenges of today’s market, let us help. Jump on a 60-minute complimentary call with one of our top coaches here and we will help you out. <no cost to you>

Loan Officer Freedom