My secret question that I ask (has made all the difference)

We all know that to close more loans in less time will require help. 

The key to this is asking ourselves “Do I have the right person helping me?”…

or if I’m interviewing somebody to help me, what’s an indication that I’m talking to the right person?

Here’s the secret question I ask…

I look at every key person on my team and ask this question:

“If this person worked for my competitor, would I be worried?”

If you wouldn’t be, then that individual is probably not as talented as you may think.

Then, ask yourself this question about every employee / team member / assistant that is currently working with you now:

“Knowing what I know now, would I hire this person again today?”

If the answer is no, then you’re probably just holding onto them because of the perceived pain of letting them go.

It can be a tough situation when it’s time to let someone go, and if it’s someone you have had an ingrained relationship with that you’ve built over many years.

It can be like a psychological trauma bond, and these dysfunctional relationships tend to show up in the workplace.

When this happens, we can end up taking care of incredibly toxic people and we don’t even know it until someone points it out.

However, rotting food doesn’t get better with age – it gets worse.

I know this may be perceived as a painful topic, letting it fester will be far far more painful in the long run (and short run).  If you have something to fix here, fix it today! 

If you find yourself currently working without an assistant, one that does all those things you don’t like doing… cold calling, chasing conditions, and / or putting out fires…

Biggest no-brainer ever..