Loan Officer Marketing Idea: Expand Your Network With Refi’s

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What’s the #1 marketing activity that makes you the most money in your business as a loan officer? 

Without a shadow of a doubt, I would bet it’s having conversations…and no, not conversations about what’s on page 2 of the bank statement. I’m talking about having conversations with people who can refer us business. 

On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for loan officers, I’m chatting with my friend and Freedom Club leader, Paul Dolan about a great loan officer marketing idea that you’re going to want to hear about.

During this refi boom, LOs are finding it difficult to continue to be proactive in their business, unable to reach out to real estate agents. Paul and his team have found a solution that works like gangbusters, a marketing solution that can be used during the times we currently find ourselves in or even after the refi’s slow down a bit, and we’re sharing the strategy and script with you today.

If you’d like to review even more cool strategies and scripts that we use in our business, set up your complimentary coaching call with one of our coaches at

Loan Officer Freedom