How to close more of your “leads”

When people struggle with lead conversion, or “closing leads into loans”, it’s often because of one simple mistake…

The loan officer doesn’t actually have a “true” lead.

You see, there is a major difference between an internet “lead” and a true REFERRED lead… Huge difference.

See, 98% of the time (literally), an internet lead that the LO either buys for themselves or worse, buys and gives to an agent thinking they are “bringing something of value”, they are actually making their life and their agent business worse… worse with useless clutter.

It’s totally not their fault, but…

…Beginning and low-producing LOs fall into the trap of thinking that in time they will actually convert the internet leads into closings…

But the reality is…

There’s practically nothing you can do to convince anybody of anything… unless they already want it, and 98% of the time, internet leads don’t “want it”.

You can’t wrestle your leads down until they give in, can you?

The only thing you CAN do is to find out who already wants what you have.

In other words…

You can’t turn someone into a 5-star prospect, but you can discover who already IS one.

And you can do this simply by using the following five-step criteria…

Number 1: They’re willing to engage in a dialogue…

Number 2: They’re friendly and cooperative when you talk with them…

Number 3: They know what they want…

Number 4: They know when they want it…

And number 5: They want YOU to help them.

Which is much much much more likely with referred leads than with internet leads.

But here’s the thing…

All five of these steps have to be true in order for you to be working with an ideal client.

You can’t skip ahead. And you can’t artificially speed the process up.

So instead of being focused on short-term results of trying to convert internet leads…

Think of it as a long-term investment. Something you’re willing to spend your time on…

Which is getting REFERRED Leads

You patiently educate and motivate prospective referral partners… week after week…

Until they convince themselves that referring to you is the right thing to do.

And make no mistake. It’s always until THEY convince THEMSELVES.

Because you can’t wrestle anyone into using you as their lender.


Step 1:  Focus on getting to know people who are already talking to your ideal client.

Step 2:  Have conversations with those people and simply ask for referrals.

The end.

(Everything else is clutter and unnecessary work that is designed to keep you “busy” but not productive)

When you are ready to copy how we epically and successfully do Step 1 and Step 2…

Meet me here and I’ll give you the same exact demo that our top producers get in The Alliance.