There’s a picture circulating around the web that has been very helpful in getting prospects to pull the trigger on buying a home. I think it’s pretty much self-explanatory.
This would be a great thing to put on your social media or next email that you send out to help get those fence sitters to take action because this makes it easy to see that is most likely the best thing for them.
Click Here To Get A Bigger Version it will take you to a page that will give you a bigger version of it that will be perfect to “copy and paste” and use to help get more conversions.
I would love to give credit to who shared this with me on social media, but I couldn’t figure that out. I hang out with so many “givers” in this mortgage community, that the source is sometimes hard to keep track of.
Go ahead and snag and share now.
Take action to make things happen… …that’s how all this works.
My team would love to discuss how this can work for you in your mortgage business, click here to set up your one on one strategy call!
That’s it for this week. Talk soon.
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