Come to find out this actually works…

So I just got a message from Jennifer Roy, a super cool loan officer out of the Orlando area where she mapped out just how simple closing an extra few loans each month is…  Read on..

Here’s the message she sent:

“Had a call today with an agent for one of my preapproved clients – I met and preapproved this client today (referred by a friend) and called the buyers’ agent to connect after emailing her the preapproval.

I explained when I send updates that I’ll also call every Tuesday during the transaction to give file updates. Y’all – she referred me another buyer ON THE SPOT.

I have never in my career of 35 years had that happen. These scripts are powerful. Work the system, trust the system.

Just for additional clarity – this agent is not in my market, she’s several hundred miles from me, and I have never once spoken to her before.”

First of all, congrats to Jennifer for taking action and being a great inspiration for all of us.

She just reminds me how simple it can be and to just follow the plan.  Sometimes we / I get caught up in complicating the plan, and instead, we / I just need to do what actually works and follow a proven plan that now ten’s of thousands of LOs have started.

That’s it. 
1. Get a plan that is proven and actually works TODAY.
2. Follow that plan
3. Get results
4. Inspire others

Want to see the plan that Jennifer is using as a step by step roadmap, email our office at with “Show Me The Plan” and I’ll hook you up.  <no charge>