“But Carl, you don’t understand…”

I hear that a couple times a day… 
“but Carl, you don’t understand, there’s no inventory in my area…” 
or “but Carl, you don’t understand, rates are high…” 
or “but Carl, you don’t understand, the agents are already referring to somebody else…” 
Yada yada yada yada 
So how then do we explain how my longtime friend Wes Oliver in Massachusetts, who is averaging 10 closings a month for the last several months? 
Or how do we explain Sarah Cox in Texas, with around 19 or so locked in for right now? 
Or Kenneth Brantley in Oklahoma, who just funded 7 loans last month and expects to close 8 this month? 
Or Tammy Saul who closes well north of 50, sometimes 80 or so, month after month after month… 
I’ll tell you how you explain it…  
Winners find a way to win!  And they hang with the winners
It’s just that simple.  Hang with the winners, learn from them, and then do what they do. 
Avoid the “That won’t work” crowd like your business depends on it (because it does). 
I have learned to guard my “who we hang with” like I would guard a 10-year-old child. 
By the way, thanks for letting me hang out with you on this wonderful day.  I don’t take that honor lightly. Let’s chat here.