5-star prospect

I was talking with my dear friend Dean Jackson not too long ago, and he shared something with me that I want to share with you…

You can’t turn someone into a 5-star prospect, but you can discover who already IS one once you have that first conversation with them.
And you can do this simply by using the following five-step criteria during that first call…

Number 1: They’re willing to engage in a dialogue…
Number 2: They’re friendly and cooperative when you talk with them…
Number 3: They know what they want…
Number 4: They know when they want it…
And number 5: They want YOU to help them.

Any 1 of these missing AFTER your FIRST conversation with them… well, there’s 1,000 of “them” and only 1 of YOU ☺

Never forget this.

That is all.

Want to see how we get so many referred leads, you know, the kind that checks the above 5 boxes AND actually closes with you?

Let’s get you on a private zoom call and I’ll walk you through it – schedule here < no charge >