What does it cost?

I had a buddy call me the other day to ask if he was paying too much for a new “widget” that he was using to help him close more loans.

Thought I would share with you what I shared with him that involved me being a butler in my early 20’s.

This is a powerful message that was taught to me by a very wealthy guy, George Cortner, that I was a butler for during my college years (yepper, did that too).

So was my loan officer buddy paying too much, depends…

…See George taught me how rich people ask that question.

They ask “what is the yield?”

See, if you’re investing $20 a month for something, but it’s only producing $10 in new income, then that $20 is wayyyyy too much.

Now, if you’re investing $2,000 a month, and it’s yielding you an extra $15,000 in additional closed loans, then you should try to wear that machine out by sticking in another $2,000 a month.

Who in the heck would ever want to turn that off?? …

So it’s never about “How much does it cost?”…

… It’s always about “What is the yield?” That’s how rich people, like you, think

A quick example, Merrily Brown made an investment in herself to join our mastermind group and has gone from closing 5 loans in March to 10 loans last month. Let’s just estimate that she makes around $3k per loan.

An extra 5 loans is an extra $15,000 PER MONTH.

That’s an amazing yield on her monthly investment because you know what they say, “Every $15,000 per month helps”..

And now you know how to ask the right “rich people” question… it’s not “how much is the price?”, it’s “what is the expected yield?”

Now, what are you going to do with this new information?