The Perfect Plan…

We learn more by taking action than by having a perfect plan.

Many of us spend all our time making a plan and get stuck on that part instead of actually doing something. 

You know, the ol’ “get’n ready to get ready” issue…

I think part of that is because we try to add too many moving parts while working on getting referrals. 

We’ve been told that we need a “funnel”, or some fancy schmancy 17 step process for bringing in new referrals / new loans, or we have to rent the GoodYear blimp and put our name up in lights…

I guess there’s nothing wrong with those things, it’s just that you may not be likely to ever actually finish them and end up wasting time and money.

What if you could get the same results, or even BETTER results, by just simple scripting?  The thing about scripting is, once you know what to say and who to say it to, you can get started right away without a bunch of moving parts (and expenses).

Understand that we learn sooooo much more by just going out and doing something, getting the objections, then working on the rebuttals.

So just get into action. 

You have to be ok with not looking perfect. 

Fast action means you will be doing imperfect action. 

But you’ll learn so much more by taking fast action that it will more than make up for the little bit of embarrassment caused by it not being perfect.

Risk looking stupid.

If you want to see some of my best scripts that have been bringing in hundreds of loans per month… month after month after month…

You can get full access on this 1-on-1 zoom meeting < no charge >.

See ya inside.