How-to Get Loans from Open Houses

Join myself and Steve Kyles as we clearly lay out the action plan for how to get loans from open houses, even when the top producers are not sitting it. 

Tune in to this impactful episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for loan officers in the world. I’m sharing the simple and secret strategy that I came up with back when I started in the mortgage industry.    

Learn how to use signup sheets and provide them to agents you’re working with. Don’t think it works? Think people won’t give their info? That’s why you need to tune in here where Steve and I give you the ins and out of how it works and why it works. 

Ready to learn more scripts that work? Connect with us one on one here.

What Would You Ask a Top Producer?

On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast nationwide for loan officers, I’m joined by my business partner, Steve Kyles, at the secret headquarters of The Mortgage Marketing Animals.

In continuing the conversation from the last time we recorded together, we are answering the questions that loan officers have for top producers. 

What would you ask a top producer? In this episode, we will answer as to what one decision we feel in our own mortgage journeys pushed us over the edge from average to top producing.

Tune in to hear Steve and I share what we feel was the turning point in our careers and what that one important decision was.

Learn more about how to make better decisions to further your loan officer career and become a top producer. Schedule a complimentary call today.

Leading With Purpose

Listen in to this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the number one podcast nationwide for loan officers, to hear my good friend & special guest, Kevin Gillespie, share the main ingredients to being a successful leader in the mortgage industry. 

They say if you do what the pros do, you’ll end up like the pros. So, why not find out what the pros do?

Kevin has been leading the Branch Manager Academy for Freedom Club and through Mortgage Marketing Animals, for over three years. His best practices for how to lead your team with efficiency and processes have led several members of the group to cross the billion-dollar mark in their branches. 

Listen in as Kevin and I go over what the Branch Manager Academy teaches and how this could be used in your mortgage business. 

Get more tips for leading your team using the best practices by hopping on a one-on-one call with one of our coaches. Schedule Here.

Turning Your Leads Into Conversions


Looking for ways to close more loans in less time and with less effort? Listen in to Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for loan officers in the country. and learn what steps to take in valuing and nurturing the leads you already have. Carl White and Steve Kyles two of the nation’s top Branch Managers, bring you this episode that builds off an exclusive replay of Loan Officer Unplugged – and gives you access to their candid conversation. Carl and Steve give you the realistic marketing tips you need to be successful as a loan officer, from converting your leads by setting up a system of measurement to building trusting relationships. The knowledge fountain continues to flow when these two get to chatting. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear what works for two of the most influential mortgage coaches in the industry. 

If you’d like us to help you set up a successful plan to grow your mortgage business with strategies that we’ve shared on this episode, set up your complimentary strategy call here.

What Does a Top Producer Team Look Like?

On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast nationwide for loan officers, I’m joined by none other than Steve Kyles, my friend and business partner here at The Mortgage Marketing Animals. 

We are sharing insights on what it looks like to build a team for a top producing mortgage company, which we both have a great deal of experience with. Although it will work different for each office itself, the basic structure will always be the same.

I once overheard a fellow coach in our program say that for every five loans, you need one FTE (full-time employee.) This is because the machine itself needs certain parts to operate at the best capacity it can. When you have the proper loan processors and loan partners in place, they are making sure the transaction from A-Z is ran well. This allows you to narrow down the activities that you like to do so that the productivity increases in your business. 

Tune is to hear how the dynamic of a top producing team can turn your business into a huge success.   

If this sounds like something you need some help with, then hop on a call here and we will gladly map out how to build a team that works for you and your business. Schedule Now.