Video Continues to Be Front and Center

Listen in to the #1 podcast for loan officers in the country, Loan Officer Freedom, and join me as I chat with a very good friend of mine who also happens to be an advisor here at The Mortgage Marketing Animals, Ginger Bell.

Ginger and I recently co-wrote the book titled ‘Leadership Video Planner’, which lays out the a-z’s of how to make video, what to make videos about, and how to use those videos the most efficient way possible.  Within the pages of this book, we drop 52 ideas and topics for video creation. And as an act of coolness, we will even be sending you emails with examples of those ideas with purchase. Get your copy at

Studies show that video has taken over the digital world by bringing celebrity status to those that use it in the simplest ways possible. Gone are the days of an elaborate studio, excessive makeup, or even a perfect script. It’s all about being real, human, and who you are. 

Video not only humanizes you, which is a large part of building relationships in the mortgage business, but it allows people to get to know you even though you don’t know them (yet).

You’ve got to tune in to hear why I feel this is one of the most powerful tools I’ve ever used and why I believe Ginger and her incredible knowledge is a gift to the mortgage industry. 

Learn more about how you can use video in your marketing. Schedule a free call here with one of our coaches.

The Realization Behind Firing Someone

If you need help planning out your next 90 days set up your 1:1 call now:  Schedule Here

Did you know Carl washed eggs for a living when he was younger, and his boss gave him the little ole’ pink slip? Well, you have got to hear this personal story he candidly shares about how that ended up being a series of events in what was to come for his life. If somebody’s not working out for your business, it’s likely that it’s not working out for them either. You could actually be holding them back from finding what they are indeed great at.  

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Mortgage Marketing Animals is a Mortgage Coaching Program dedicated to helping Loan Officers. Learn more about Mortgage Marketing Animals at

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Loan Officer with endless amount of “lives”…

I was talking with Mike Cardascia yesterday and he told me that loan officers are playing a video game and have an endless amount of lives.

At first, I thought he may have gotten into his roommate’s “stash”, but then he explained himself and I thought it was absolutely game changingly brilliant.

Here’s the thing, when we call prospects, both borrowers and referral partners, sometimes we fear those calls that if they say “no thank you”, that somehow we are going to die.

I mean after all, some are going to say “I’m already working with somebody”, or “I’m not interested”, or “Can you call me next month”…

And let’s face it, we do have to push through rejection, and we will talk to some people that aren’t having a good day…

But also in those conversations, you do find people that want you to help, they want to get a loan from you, they want to send you referrals.

As long as you keep prospecting, you will close more loans.

So what Mike told me is, we all need to treat this like a video game with endless lives.

And what he meant by that is, when you make your calls, some are going to say “no thank you”, and when they do….

…you aren’t going to get hurt, you aren’t going to get sick, you aren’t going to get a bad reputation, you aren’t going to lose your business.

Treat it like a video game with endless lives. 

You only get the upside of doing the activities, which is getting more loans, which gets you more $$$, which gets you more freedom.

You aren’t going to “die” by getting some “no thank you’s”.  Nothing bad is going to happen.

There is no “boogeyman”.  There’s only loans that you aren’t getting because you may not be making some of those calls.

We just have to be ok with not everybody wanting to work with us.  We don’t “die” because of that.  Nothing bad happens at all.  It’s all just crap in our own head.

After all, it’s like you are playing a video game of endless lives…

You have everything to gain, and nothing to lose!

If you would like some help with scripting or setting up “who does what” at a top loan officer team, we can set up a call here.

Read more on call reluctance

Business as Usual While the Wheels Are Turning

Ever wonder how to run a business from the mountaintop? Or even while you’re literally on your way to the mountain top? Well, then, you are in for a treat. On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast nationwide for loan officers who are looking for more guidance and mortgage coaching to be successful, I’m joined by a top leader of the Freedom Club, Roger McGuire. 

Roger and his family travel with their 5th wheel to places near and far across the beautiful country, all while keeping his business running smoothly. Want to know how? Funny you should ask…

We talk about how he has built the foundation of genuine relationships to be able to continue the referral partner communications and active business. He credits his phenomenal team for the processes and focus they have mastered for their mortgage transactions.  

Tune in to hear how cool it is to be able to live the way he is living and. most importantly, how you can get on the road to freedom! 

Act of coolness > free of charge coaching call > schedule here 

Question about lead generation

Let’s face it, the loan officers that focus on lead generation instead of “chasing bank statements” are the ones that make all the money.

A member of our Mortgage Marketing Animals (and a super cool and smart guy) asked a great question the other day, and I thought I would share his question and my response.  I think you may find this helpful.

His great question:

“In the past I used an online service to help drive consumer direct business, and it ended up being more of a headache than what it was worth….

The idea of being able to provide my realtor partners more leads, and drum up extra business could be worth it. But I was wondering if some fellow animals had any experiences or tactics they want to share.

I like to come at my business from every angle, if it gives me a few deals and keeps a few realtors happy, why not?”

My response:

“Here’s the thing, I work with already successful agents.  They don’t need me to give them leads because they already have listings that do that.  People looking to buy houses generally call agents first, not LO’s.”

“The top 3 complaints of Realtors about LOs are:
1. Don’t close on time

2. The LO doesn’t inform me what’s going on with the loan
3. The LO doesn’t follow up on the leads I give them.”

“The top agents don’t complain that the LO isn’t giving them leads.  Only the struggle bunny agents complain about that.”

“Solve those top 3 complaints, and you will have a very robust business with an army of agents giving you the leads that they already have.”


So do we give Realtors leads?  Of course we do.

When we market to our past database, we refer them back to the agent that referred them to us in the first place.

When our past database refers us to a friend, family member, or a co-working that is looking to buy or sell a home, of course we refer them back to the agent that introduced that person in the first place.

But understand, it’s been my experience (in helping to build a multi Billion $$ lending “empire”) that simply sticking with the main 3 things has been the thing that has really moved the needle for me and the LOs and branch managers on our team.

Most everything else is a distraction and perhaps a feeble attempt to sell us something that we may not even need.

Do those 3 things first THEN we can look to add to those things.

Just sharing my thoughts in hopes of relieving you of what may be unnecessary stress ☺