If You Are Grinding, You Might Be Doing It Wrong

On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 loan officer podcast in the world, you will see the simple tweaks that have taken many LOs from working 60 hours a week and closing a few loans per month, to working 40 hours a week and actually closing more…all without buying anything. 

I remember someone said some words to me that changed how I thought about being the “working stud”. Those words went something like this… “Hey Carl, if you think there’s no such thing as work/life balance, you’re doing it wrong”. 

After a little bit of time really thinking on those life changing words, I started realizing that doing what the top producers around me do, it’s achievable. And it was. 

So, here’s the deal. We do these very simple set of activities first thing in the morning, and these are the things that get you more loans in less time

Tune in to hear about how I roll out the Daily Success Plan.   

Jump on a 1 on 1 call today with someone from our team to learn how to stop being so busy building the farm, that you’re forgetting to milk the cows.

The Roads We Take, We Choose the Turns

You’re in for a treat on this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 mortgage loan officer podcast in the country.
Tables turn as my good buddy Jimi Ryan, host of the feel-good podcast “Get It Done”, interviews me about my own journey that I’ve taken to get to this point I’m at today.

It’s cool to think about all the roads that people take and discover how those lessons and detours were handled and learned from. I give a lot of credit to divine intervention when it comes to my most empowering wake up calls.

Listen in to hear Jimi and I talk like a couple of ole’ buddies around a campfire (not the ones I used to sit around…you’ll have to tune in to hear that story) and casually chat about how to avoid accelerating in circles and how to turn your past into building blocks for your success today.

Simple put, do what works.

If you’d like to chat about things that our coaching program can do to help accelerate your business in the right direction, hop on a 1 on 1 call here.

The 3 Activities You Have To Be Doing Right Now To Survive Today’s Market

Welcome to another valuable episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast worldwide for loan officers at all stages of their career.

Join me and Steve Kyles for a discussion on what activities you need to be doing to survive today’s market. Before we get into anything, let’s highlight the fact that 2022 is slated to be the best year ever for purchase loans. Keep that foundational thinking as we continue with this podcast.

I’m going to give you the three most impactful things to be doing and they go a little like this…

  1. Sell what’s on the shelf 
  2. Keep your eye on profitability 
  3. Save your 25%

Primary focus should be your key takeaway from this episode. Staying laser focused on the right activities in the mortgage business right now to continue to get more customers. The person doing the most activity to get the most customers, has the most customers. 
We’ve got your back.

Let us help you. Schedule a call today with one of our strategists to map out your next 90-days in today’s market.