What Separates Us From The Rest

Carl White, founder of Mortgage Marketing Animals and Freedom Club Coaching, talks about why the program he has developed works for loan officers who want to make more while working less.Our loan officer coaching program stands apart from the other coaching programs out there and in this video, you’ll hear just how that is. Our focus is Respectful AccountabilityGenuine Community, and Member Loyalty.Tune in to hear the details of each, so you can make the best decision when investing in your mortgage business.

Not one of my proudest moments..

It wasn’t one of my proudest moments. I was in the 11th grade.  

3 of my buddies were trying out for the school basketball team. Now understand that none of the 4 of us were “jocks” by anybody’s definition.

I knew there was little to no chance they would make the team.

After they did their team tryouts, the results were announced on who made the team and the new roster was put on a large white-board in the school main lobby for all to see.

When I found out they didn’t make the team, I caught up with them in-between classes and said in a snarky tone, “I see you guys didn’t make the team..”.

One of them looked me square in the eyes and said something that changed everything for me from that day forward…

“Yeah, well Carl, at least we tried!”

Wham!  There was that!

It was not normal for me to have said such a “jerky” thing in the first place, but the lesson I got back from him was invaluable. 

If we try and don’t get, well, we have nothing to lose.  

We didn’t have that “thing” we tried for in the first place, so by trying to get it, it doesn’t make it any worse if we don’t get it.

But if we try and do get “it”, well, we get the benefit without any of the risks (nothing to lose).

For instance, let’s say I call the listing agent on a deal I’m doing to see about them sending me their next buyer lead, if I don’t call I have ZERO chance of that happening. 

If I call that listing agent with the “Just Ask” script, well, some will start referring to us.

So the worst case scenario is you ask and they say “no thank you”, the best case scenario is you ask, and they refer to you, and you make yet another $3,000 (or whatever your typical closing check is).

So worse case scenario: you have what you already have (none of his / her deals).

Best case scenario: You start cashing $3,000 checks.

So when my buddy said “At least we tried…”, it flipped a switch in me to start swinging for the fences.  I never looked back and I’m so grateful for that day.

I’m reasonably sure he may not remember that day many years ago now, but I wish I could catch up with him these days and thank him for that moment.  It’s made all the difference.

So what’s the take home message today?
Point to the left field fence and let’s take a swing of that bat and give it all we have.

Afterall, we have nothing to lose.

Talk Soon!

Going All In

Going all in takes courage and commitment, especially if you start off with very little to give.

On this episode, I’m joined by my good friend and an inspiration to so many, Hakim Singleton, who is a loan officer out of Philadelphia, as he shares the story of how going all in changed his life. 

If you’re struggling with the way the market is going and can’t figure out a plan that works or need the specific activities to double down on and motivation to push a little harder, this is the episode for you. 

I have always believed that our biggest growths are during our hardest times. If you need help overcoming the challenges of today’s market, let us help. Jump on a 60-minute complimentary call with one of our top coaches here and we will help you out. <no cost to you>

What Now?

Two industry icons talk about what LOs are doing in today’s market to have epic growth and what to avoid. 

If you want to hop on a free coaching call to find out what to say on these prospecting calls and how to get them to meet up, schedule a good time for you here.