How People Buy From You

Welcome to Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast in the country for loan officers, hosted by Carl White.

In this episode, your hosts, Carl White and Steve Kyles discuss the power of sales and the importance of having a positive mindset when it comes to selling.

They address the misconception that sales are a bad thing and emphasize the value that loan officers bring to their clients and the industry as a whole.

They also touch on the impact of our words and actions in attracting positive experiences and relationships.

Tune in to gain insights on how to approach sales with a purpose-driven mindset and create a positive impact on your business.

Schedule a one-on-one free coaching call, click here or visit

Rate hike, what rate hike….

I just had to share a text message that I just got from a Loan Officer Freedom Club leader, Tammy Saul.

“I just had my best week of new purchase originations ever.  I got 23 new contracts plus 7 refinances…”

That’s not 23 purchase deals and 7 refinance deals for the month…
that’s 23 purchase deals and 7 refinance deals for the WEEK!

“Holy kicking butt Batman”…

She said that she’s been getting referrals from agents who just started referring to her because their “regular” loan officer is no longer a loan officer.

The takeaway here is to work a solid plan, stick with it, and be consistent while others exit or fall away.

This is a time of great opportunity.

Stay encouraged, do the activity, and stay away from those who choose to watch things happen while winners like Tammy MAKE THINGS HAPPEN.

That’s it.  Just words of encouragement coming from people who are setting records.

There are no magic beans, just proven plans ☺ 
Learn the plans here

Growth in Hard Times

Welcome to Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast in the country for loan officers, hosted by Carl White.

In this episode, your hosts, Carl White and Steve Kyles discuss the importance of embracing hard times and how they can actually make us better.

They share stories of successful individuals who have thrived during challenging periods and offer insights on how to navigate through difficult times in the mortgage industry.

Join them as they provide inspiration and practical advice for loan officers looking to excel in their careers.

Don’t miss out on this empowering episode!

Schedule a one-on-one free coaching call, click here or visit

The Truth Is In The Numbers: When Loan Officers Think About A Side Hustle

Welcome to Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast in the country for loan officers, hosted by Carl White.

In this episode, your host, Carl White dives into the power of asking questions and the importance of asking the right ones.

He addresses a question asked by a loan officer about side hustles during challenging times and shares his thoughts on the topic.

He also emphasizes the value of focusing on high-level activities like prospecting and meeting with the right people to generate more business.

Additionally, He highlights the success of loan officers who have followed a proven plan and increased their closings by 22.9%.

Schedule a one-on-one free coaching call, click here or visit

I hope this comes across in a cool way

How many times have we said, “Boy, if I knew then what I know now, I’d be rich, and my life would be so different…”  (not that your life isn’t great now, but you get the idea)?

Here’s my question for you today….

Are you using what you know now?

For instance, you know calling your past database would result in a ton of new business… so are you calling them?

You now know that 67% of all purchase loans close with the loan officer that the real estate agent recommended, so prospecting successful real estate agents is a main goal of the top loan officers, are you dedicating at least 8 hours a week doing that?  Doing that activity that you 100% know would boost your loan production and income.

Or are you 3 years from now going to be saying, “Gee, if I would have done then what I know I need to implement today, I would be greatly successful…”.

First of all, it’s not your fault that you may not have implemented the very things that you know would have moved the needle for you.  You see, we ALL have had chains that held us back.

The key is to simply remove those chains.  To free ourselves up to do what we already know to do.  
Usually, it’s fear of failure that holds us back.  Or perhaps, fear of looking stupid.  Maybe it’s ‘call reluctance.’

All of those are solved by simply knowing what to say and who to say it to, which would give you your greatest results.

When you are ready to see how we pull it off in my own personal mortgage team and has us closing hundreds of loans a month, just meet me here and I’ll hook you up <no charge>.

No guilt or anything like that of perhaps not doing it to our fullest in the past.  It’s all about moving forward… now that you know what you know ☺

Let’s make it so that 3 years from now we are going to pat ourselves on the back for taking good care of ourselves and setting us up for success…

Because now we know.