Secret to success in selling is…

A few months ago, Michael Content, shared with me 2 little sayings that he has printed up and reads every morning when he sits down to do his Daily Success Plan activity to close even more loans.

I printed it up myself, and come to find out, he may be on to something… I’ve had a noticeable uptick in my team’s closed loans since I started it too

So I thought I would share it with you for you to print up to try it yourself for 30 days (that’s all it took for us to see a noticeable difference).

Here you go…

The secret to the success in selling is to be committed to my daily success plan without being emotionally attached to my results. 

I can’t always control my daily results, but as long as I follow through with the process, the law of averages will always play out and my epic results will take care of themselves.

I can get control of my time and my life only by changing the way I think, work, and deal with the responsibilities that I have each day. 

I can get control over my tasks and activities only to the degree that I stop doing some things and start spending more time on the few activities that can really make a difference in my life.”

That’s it.  I know I know, it sounds a bit “woo woo-ish”, but it’s funny how what we say is soooo important.  That’s been proven over and over again.

It has surely been working for me, but I found I have to actually read it out loud while sitting at the desk right before I start working the daily plan.

Do it for 30 days, along with the Daily Success Plan for 30 days and then let me know how much you increased your loan count.

Of course this won’t work without following the very specific Daily Success Plan.  That’s like buying a car without an engine.  Feels good sitting in it, but it doesn’t actually move.

So I’ll give you the Daily Success Plan too

Just go here and we’ll walk you through it step by step <no charge>.