A Podcast for Loan Officers Ready To Ramp Up Business
The Process Of A Top Producing Loan Officer

Overwhelm. Does that word resonate with you too? Have you ever felt like you were overwhelmed by all of the things you have to do to prospect, pre-approve, and finally close a loan?!
I hear it all the time! “Carl I’m so overwhelmed with everything I have to get done! I just don’t have the time.” I understand, but get this…it doesn’t have to be that way when you have certain processes in place and a team to help you get out of the files. Today, I’m chatting with my good friend & leader in the Freedom Club, Brad Brondt, who has an awesome process that he follows to help him structure is day.
Just 12 months ago this wasn’t the case for Brad, but now not only has he been able to double their business while “working less” as he points out, but they are on track to seeing a 300% increase in business in just one year! Everything we talk about today can be duplicated, you can do it too. I promise you.
If you’d like help implementing the strategies we’re discussing on this episode, visit: LoanOfficerStrategyCall.com to set up your complimentary strategy session.
Should You Focus On Refi’s or Purchase

While there are plenty of ways to be successful in the mortgage industry, I’ve found immense success using the 70/30 rule. Have you heard of it?
That’s exactly what my dear friend, Mike and I will be discussing on today’s episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for loan officers! The 70/30 rule states that 70% of your business focuses on purchase opportunities and 30% of your business focuses on refi’s. There are many reasons for this, namely to have a healthy balance of loans, but it also provides an opportunity to serve and truly help your clients. Want to know what I mean? Listen to this episode of Loan Officer Freedom to hear more.
If you’d like even more details about this strategy visit: LoanOfficerStrategyCall.com to set up your complimentary coaching call.
How Should I Pay My Support Staff?

Do you have help in your office, I’m talking Processors and Loan Partners? These people (and this type of help) are critical to our growth and success, but what is the best way and a fair way to pay them?
On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for Loan Officers, my good friend Mike Cardascia and I are sharing the best way I’ve found to pay our help fairly that also allows us to scale the business without any hiccups. If you’re currently paying per file bonuses or basis points you NEED to listen to this episode. I’m going to share why you don’t want to do this and give you an example of the hiccups I’m talking about when it comes to scaling the business when you pay this way. If you want some help mapping out how you can bring help on to your team and how to pay them, let’s jump on the horn.
Visit LoanOfficerStrategyCall.com to set up your complimentary coaching call.
The Pathways To Loan Officer Profitability

There are certain activities that you have to do that will get you to your first 4 loans per month, then another set of activities to go from 4 to 10 loans per month, and yet another set of activities to go from 10 to 20+. We call these the pathways to profitability and on this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for loan officers, my dear friend Chris Johnstone and I are discussing exactly what those pathways are to get you to the next level in your mortgage business.
If you’re currently “stuck” at a certain level or “stuck” closing a certain number of loans every month, it’s likely that you need to start incorporating a new set of activities. We go into a lot of detail around this on this episode and even more detail around this in our membership program.
To get access to all of the details, visit: MMAFreedom.com
Increasing Your Loan Production By 300% In 18 Months

On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for Loan Officers, I have the pleasure of sitting with the “Doctor of Cool” himself, Mr. Bob Rosenbaum. We’re going to be talking about what Bob has done to increase his loan production by – get this – 300% in the last 18 months. Including:
– Having a strategic team in place
– Hiring his first virtual assistant
– Marketing to and nurturing his database
– And more!
Want to learn how you can dramatically increase your loan production all while working only 4 days per week? Stay tuned to this episode and schedule your complimentary coaching call at LoanOfficerStrategyCall.com
How To Stay Motivated & Do Great During Challenging Times

Kory Kavanewsky is one of the leaders in the Freedom Club and is my guest on this weeks episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for Loan Officers. Today, we’re talking about the challenging times we’re facing in the world today, but how we as individuals (and as loan officers) can stay motivated AND find success.
While Kory is the sole producing loan officer on his team, he has seen epic results over the past 2 months that we’ve been in quarantine during COVID-19; and that is simply because of his attitude. Something to keep in mind anytime we face challenges, there’s always an opportunity. In this episode you’ll hear:
- How to push through your fears
- How changes in our industry aren’t cause to stop helping people
- What you can do to embrace change
If you want more information about this episode and how to stay motivated during challenging times visit: LoanOfficerStrategyCall.com
How To Use Facebook Ads To Close Even More Loans

Most Loan Officers are looking for ways to get even more business using social media marketing, be it on Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, LinkedIn, etc. But very few have mastered the art of using social media advertising to get even more business. On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for Loan Officers, I’m sitting with my dear friend and Digital Marketing Specialist on my my team, Nina Barron.
Nina and I will be going over exactly what all loan officers should do when using Facebook ads to close even more loans. It’s not what you expect, but it’s been gangbusters for us and now, we’re sharing how you can do it too.
To get free access to even more strategies and helpful tips during this time visit: LoanOfficerSurvivalKit.com
How To Market During A Crisis Without Sounding Like An Uncaring Jerk

How can you continue to market your business in times of crisis? That’s exactly what I’m talking about today on this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for loan officers.
In times of crisis, it’s important that we stay positive. So how do you continue to reach out to your referral partners and database while showing strength, positivity, and leadership? I’m sharing two scripts for you to use to do just that.
To get free access to even more loan officer marketing ideas and helpful tips during this time visit: LoanOfficerSurvivalKit.com
This Is The Best Way To Stay Productive During COVID-19

On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for Loan Officers, we’re talking about creative avoidance and what you should be doing first to stay productive right now while we’re all still in quarantine. Tune in to hear:
– The single best activity you should implement today in order to close even more loans.
– The script we use when calling our referral partners
– The script we use when calling our database
Are you staying productive during this time?
To get free access to even more strategies and helpful tips during this time visit: LoanOfficerSurvivalKit.com