A Podcast for Loan Officers Ready To Ramp Up Business
Is Your Voicemail Stopping You From Closing More Loans

Voicemail is a simple and standard phone function, but it has a MAJOR impact on our business and the perception others have on us. Is it stopping you from closing more loans?
If you’re like most loan officers, handing out your cell phone number is a best practice and I get it, I’ve done it too! Regardless of whether or not you’re handing out your cell phone number, the question remains, is there an opportunity for your clients, referral partners, prospects, etc. to hit your voicemail…or worse…a message that says your voicemail box is full? 😱
Sometimes we don’t even realize it, but when someone isn’t able to reach us that could keep them from doing business with us. How many times have you heard agents say that they get frustrated when they are unable to reach their lender?
But we certainly aren’t available 24/7 so what can we do?
We’ve found a great solution to be able to answer the phone at anytime…without YOU actually answering the phone. Tune in to hear how you can implement this solution.
Want to chat about even more strategies and solutions like this? Schedule a time to chat with us at LoanOfficerStrategyCall.com.
A Personal Strategy Call With Carl

Texas Loan Officer, Mark Brewer, has been a Mortgage Marketing Animal member with us for the past 4 months. With the amount of growth he’s seen in his business thus far in addition to the amount of support he receives in the program, he wanted to inquire further about how some of the Loan Officers in The Mortgage Marketing Animals and The Freedom Club have grown their businesses to multiple 6 and 7 figures of personal W-2 income.
This is a special episode of Loan Officer Freedom, as it is a call between Carl and member, Mark Brewer. If you want to know:
- What it’s like to be a part of the Mortgage Marketing Animals
- How to steadily grow and increase your production and income
- How to surround yourself with like-minded Loan Officers
then stay tuned, this episode is for you.
If you have questions about this topic, set up your complimentary coaching call with one of our coaches at LoanOfficerStrategyCall.com.
Turning Pizza’s Into Production! How This Loan Officer Used Zoom To Get Even More Loans

“I lost 22 transactions due to the FHA credit crunch.” How would you react if this happened to you? Well, Hakim Singleton, one of our leaders in the Freedom Club let this fuel his fire and inspired him to get creative in his business so that he could close even more loans (all while still being able to hang out and spend time with his family).
On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for Loan Officers & Branch Managers, I’m sitting with a very dear friend of mine, Hakim Singleton from Philadelphia. In the midst of COVID Hakim’s team lost a significant amount of business, but gained it all back in short order.
By hosting a pizza party…a VIRTUAL pizza party…with his agents! If you want to know exactly how he did it:
- Who he invited and how many
- How the event was coordinated (and who helped him on his team)
- What was discussed during the event
- What his follow up process is that allowed him to turn conversations into closings
Then tune into this episode of Loan Officer Freedom. If you’re not already implementing something like this in your business, let’s map out a plan specifically for you on how you can start. Set up your complimentary coaching call with one of our coaches at LoanOfficerStrategyCall.com
How To Achieve Loan Officer Freedom

Someone recently told me that they wish to attain “freedom,” is that a goal for you too? It’s easier than you might think…
On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast in the world for Loan Officers, I’m chatting with my friend Chris Haynes; who also happens to be one of the leaders in the Freedom Club. In a highly competitive market, Chris and his team have been able to set record months…get this…all while taking most nights and weekends off, spending a lot of time with his family, and earning an 7-figure income.
If you want to know how to:
– Shift your mindset
– Put certain strategies in place within your business
– Structure your team in a way that actually helps you grow and scale without burnout
Then tune into this episode of Loan Officer Freedom.
If you have questions about this topic, set up your complimentary coaching call with one of our coaches at LoanOfficerStrategyCall.com. To get in contact with Chris Haynes and his team directly, visit his website here.
How To Become A Millionaire As A Loan Officer…In Your 20s

At 29 years old, Loan Officer Youssef Abdelhalim is on track to generate $1,000,000 this year! Want to know how he’s doing it?
On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast in the world for Loan Officers, I’m talking to my friend and Freedom Club leader, Youssef, who I am so proud to say is on track to earn $1 Million Dollars of W-2 income this year, but the coolest part? He recently turned 29 years old.
Whether you’re in your 20s or not, there are some solid steps that need to be taken in order to get to “millionaire status” which we’re going to line up for you on this episode. If you’re interested in continually growing your business without working nights and weekends, then you need to hear exactly how Youssef and others in the Freedom Club are doing it.
If you’d like to review the strategies and scripts that we use in our business, set up your complimentary coaching call with one of our coaches at LoanOfficerFreedom.com/StrategyCallRequest
From Rags To Riches, How He Did It

After the economic crash of 2008/2009 many of us in the mortgage industry lost a lot, if not everything. Is that true for you?
Rayce Robinson, one of the leaders in The Freedom Club, had that same experience. Not only was it trying on his finances, but it was also trying on his relationships.
So how is it that Rayce, who seemingly “lost it all” has been able to stand tall, rebuild, and find major success as a Mortgage Broker in Florida? On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for loan officers, I’m talking to my very dear friend Rayce Robinson to hear and share his story. It’s a story that many of us can relate to and draw inspiration from.
If you want to know how he was able to go from losing his home and investment properties; and be on the verge of switching industries completely to rebuilding his business, paying off his mortgage on his new home, and earning nearly $500,000 per year without working nights and weekends listen to this episode of Loan Officer Freedom.
If you have questions about this topic, set up your complimentary coaching call with one of our coaches at LoanOfficerFreedom.com/StrategyCallRequest
Loan Officer Marketing Idea: Expand Your Network With Refi’s

What’s the #1 marketing activity that makes you the most money in your business as a loan officer?
Without a shadow of a doubt, I would bet it’s having conversations…and no, not conversations about what’s on page 2 of the bank statement. I’m talking about having conversations with people who can refer us business.
On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for loan officers, I’m chatting with my friend and Freedom Club leader, Paul Dolan about a great loan officer marketing idea that you’re going to want to hear about.
During this refi boom, LOs are finding it difficult to continue to be proactive in their business, unable to reach out to real estate agents. Paul and his team have found a solution that works like gangbusters, a marketing solution that can be used during the times we currently find ourselves in or even after the refi’s slow down a bit, and we’re sharing the strategy and script with you today.
If you’d like to review even more cool strategies and scripts that we use in our business, set up your complimentary coaching call with one of our coaches at LoanOfficerFreedom.com/StrategyCallRequest
How To Avoid Loan Officer Burnout

Do you feel overwhelmed with the amount of work you’re currently doing? Here’s the solution…
Hire more help.
The thing is, there is no such thing as too much work, it really is a matter of not enough help. With the right amount of help, your record months can be your new normal.
Loan Officer Lauren, from Albuquerque, New Mexico reached out to me and asked what I would do to avoid burnout especially during the times we find ourselves in right now with a seemingly overwhelming amount of work. So on this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for Loan Officers, we’re talking about what you can do right now to save yourself from all of the headaches and stresses that come with burnout.
Want to know how we build our team to help us close even more loans every single month without feeling burnt out? Simply set up your complimentary coaching call with one of our coaches at LoanOfficerFreedom.com/StrategyCallRequest
How To Increase Your Salary

Is it safe to say you’d like to increase your salary?
Whether you’ve just started originating, or you’ve been in the business for a while chances are you’ve wondered what it takes to increase your production in order to earn even more income…and more freedom!
On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for Loan Officers, I’m sitting with one of the leaders in the Freedom Club – Kristen Jamieson. 6 years ago, Kristen moved from the mid-west to a small town in Florida, with virtually no connections making the decision to switch careers to become a brand new loan officer.
So how did she go from making $38,000 per year as a Loan Processor to making a healthy 7-figure salary as a Mortgage Loan Officer?
The Daily Success Plan.
She quickly put the daily success plan to work and in a matter of months she went from 0 – 16 closings per month. Without a doubt you can do the same.
If you’d like to go over the scripts we use when implementing the daily success plan set up your complimentary coaching call with one of our coaches at LoanOfficerFreedom.com/StrategyCallRequest