You can close MORE loans while working LESS hours


You can close MORE loans while working LESS hours

Want to see how it’s done?

In this episode, we’re joined by Darren Copeland, one of my personal clients out of Kansas City, Missouri. After joining The Freedom Club and putting in place the strategies and systems we teach, Darren saw a 400% increase in his business. Not only is Darren closing a steady stream of loans each month, but he’s doing it while working a 35 hour work week!

Go here to listen right now at: (Get it on iTunes here or Download it here)

Here’s a sampling of some of what Carl and Darren discuss in this episode:

  • The importance of letting go to move forward
  • The Daily Success Plan (DSP)
  • Team structure and responsibilities
  • Darren’s Plug and Play System
  • The key to building genuine relationships with agents
  • And much more!!

If you have questions about this topic, set up a free strategy call with one of our coaches at