Sneaky Trick…

Ok, I’m not actually sure if this is officially a “sneaky trick”, but it certainly falls into the “clever” category…  read on…

Here’s how to get your clients to talk to you during your regular office hours instead of them wanting to talk to you after hours (that time is carved out for family or just chill’n).

This is a note that Loan Officer Freedom Club leader, Tyler Osby sent to me.  It’s absolutely brilliant:  <here’s his note and clever idea>

…Hey Carl, if you ever have a client that’s not willing to carve out the time to discuss their loan during business hours, I’ve been having a lot of success saying the following:

“No problem! We can find a time outside of market hours to discuss your loan!

Before we do though, I wanted to confirm you knew what that meant to your loan terms…

Did you know when the market is closed, you actually pay .125%-.25% higher in rate because of something called ‘overnight protection’?

We can do a call after-hours, but it could literally cost you $20-$60/month to do it. Let me know!

My goal is always to help you secure the best terms possible, so I wanted to make sure you knew what it meant!

Are you able to carve out some time for a brief break, or lunch break to avoid the increased payment?”

….Tyler told me that he’s never had someone NOT carve out time after saying that.

So yea, hopefully that helps someone if you’re still running into friction on after-hours appointments.

Just sharing some morning coolness that was shared with me, because that’s how we roll around here ☺ 

Be sure to thank Tyler next time you see him for sharing with us.

Scripts for the top 5 buyer objections

Here’s some video shorts that will teach you how to cover the top 5 buyer objections so that you can give a quick answer that helps convert more prospects into buyers.

Top 5 Buyer Objections   <no charge and no opt-in required>

We’ll cover:

1. “I’m just shopping around for a mortgage right now…”

2. “Your rate seems high..”

3.  “I want the lowest rate…”

4.  “My Realtor gave me 3 lenders to call…”

5.  “I don’t want you to pull my credit because it will drop my score…”

Watch the videos then swipe and deploy ☺

You’re welcome.  That’s just the way we roll around here.

Talk soon,

Carl White

this may help / great question

I got a great question the other day that I thought may help you, so I’m forwarding it to you here. This will be worth your time to read.


“I have an assistant who is AMAZING. UNICORN AMAZING! We both have school aged kids and our school districts have the same breaks. I don’t want to tell her no, because she deserves the time off…but I also want to take my kids as well on those dates. Ideas?? Solutions??”

My Answer:
Great question.

I’ve often thought the toughest part of growing is that stage where we have 1 assistant and not quite ready for the 2nd one (for just this reason)…

…Any time they go on vacation or call in sick or whatever, 100% of our help is out that day.  Kind of like United Airlines having all their ground crew calls in sick, well, no planes will fly that day.

While we certainly can’t hire yet another person just for those time (because it may throw us into being not profitable), what we can do is really focus on the DSP (Daily Success Plan) and have our current team focus on it to, so that we can close even more loans which then supports the hiring of the 2nd assistant, which then makes that issue less of a problem… all while we make more money for ourselves.

And then the 3rd assistant makes it even easier…

So the opportunity here is to ask, “How many loans do we need to close each month that would require and support the 2nd assistant (who could hold down the fort during those rare times the 2 of you are off at the same time) and how many referred leads do we need to close that many loans, and finally, what is the 1st action item to get that many referred leads?

For instance, let’s say 14 loans closed each month supports that 2nd person…

… if we close 25% of incoming referred leads (which is about normal), we need 14 leads per week, or 2 referred leads per day.

What specific action do we need to do to ramp up to 2 referred leads per day?  That’s the $1,000,000 question…

Actually, that’s the $500,000 question. 

How do we get 4 leads per day is the $1,000,000 question (perhaps literally)…

The funny / bizarre thing is, it’s really a quite simple answer.

Want to do a 1 on 1 zoom call and have it all mapped out for you? <no charge>

I’ll hook you up here

Book Spotlight
#1 Best Seller “Crushing Call Reluctance For Loan Officers”

This is the book that thousands of Loan Officers have bought and is now a #1 Amazon Best Seller.

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This book is great for helping you make the calls you need to make, to get the business that you want.

Even if you are a rock star “Call Crusher”, this will give you some great pointers and can also help you share ideas to help other LOs that are on your team, or that are friends of yours.

I have found that when we help Loan Officers with this 1 simple issue, well, it’s the 1 problem solved that solves 50 other problems…

Thanks for letting me be a part of your journey of awesomeness.
Grab your copy here.

Carl White

“Stop thinking like a poor person”, he yelled at me…

Don’t think like a poor person!

I’ll never forget the afternoon that a very wealthy friend of mine, Perry, squared me up one day.

“Stop thinking like a poor person!”, he very passionately said to me.

“Don’t ever live according to your means… ever. 
That’s “poor people thinking”.

Instead, reverse engineer what you want and how much it costs, then figure out what you need to do to make that money.”

That conversation changed my life in an instant.

Allow me to explain a bit further…

Let’s say you decided that a W-2 income of $500,000 for the next year would give you all those things you wanted.  You know, the house, car, tuition, savings, vacation, giving to others, an overall first-class experience in life for you and others.

That comes to $41,667 per month in income.

Now it may be that that’s not your “happy number”, or you are already making more than that. 
(I can relate, heck, my credit card bill that we pay off each month runs more than that)

If that’s the case, just follow this same math and do multiples of it.

So let’s assume you make $3,000 per closed loan.  You may make way more or somewhat less, but you get the idea.

Using that number, for every $500,000 you want to earn, you will need to close 14 loans per month.

So now we have to figure how many leads you need to close 14 loans.  For me, that number would be 56 referred leads per month.

About half of our referred leads are “pre-approvable”,  (the other half have a credit, income, or property issue) and we close about half of those that are pre-approvable (the other half decide not to buy or are tire kickers and shoppers).

So I need 4 referred leads to close 1 loan

That means you need about 2 referrals per day, to get 56 referrals for the month, to close 14 loans per month, for every $500,000 in W-2 income we want to make.

Suddenly living that dream life seems doable.

Want to make $1,000,000 in W-2 income, simply get 4 referred leads per day.  Very simple math here.

And let’s face it, we all know a loan officer that is closing 14 loans a month, and as a general rule, they aren’t superwoman or superman.  They are more like Clark Kent… just normal people…

But they DO have 1 thing that you may not have…

Imagine having a simple plan to get 2 referred leads per day, which turns into 14 closings per month, which gives you a $500,000 personal income.

See, that becomes your new question, HOW TO GET 2 REFERRED LEADS PER DAY.

I can tell you from my own personal experience over the years, it’s just not that hard.

I’ve done it myself, loan officers in my branch have been doing it for years, and now 100’s of loan officers are doing it across the nation.

By the way, the plan that seems to work best doesn’t include buying leads or wasting your hard earned money buying FB ads that target strangers and don’t actually produce closings.

It really doesn’t require actually buying anything at all. 

It’s just a 4-Step Simple Plan (4-SSP) that I’ll give you, no charge

It’s the exact same plan that thousands of top producing loan officers in our high-level Loan Officer Freedom Club have learned and are now using.

Free Demo of 4-Step Simple Process
See ya on the inside,

Carl White

Loan Officer Freedom