Understand Your Client’s Learning Style for Smoother Deals

Remember when you spent all that time preparing all the facts to close the deal – and then, when you presented them to your client, they looked at you with a blank face? Or maybe the time when you were excited about the great terms you got for a difficult loan so you enthusiastically shared them without going into detail and your client looked at you like you lost your mind because you didn’t have the numbers ready on paper? Something like that has happened to every loan officer I know. The good news is that it builds character. The better news is that you don’t have to ever experience that again. Here’s why…

Thinking styles.

People typically process information in one of three ways – mental, emotional / instinctive, or physical. Now, we all can relate to information in all three ways, but we usually have one style that stands out. And when you deliver information in a way that lines up with how your client processes the world, deals flow smoother.

For example, mental processors are thinkers who like to know facts, data, minutiae, how things work. Emotional, or instinctive, processors are all about how something feels and how it will affect their quality of life. Physical processors want to know how this is going to work, how something will improve their life and what they need to do, or sacrifice, to make their dreams come true. By packaging your deal in the way they can naturally understand it, there is less potential miscommunication and fewer questions.

So how know your client’s thinking style? Hang with me here because this is a little different than what I usually share publicly because this is advanced VIP material. But it’s important to help you cultivate relationships with your clients so I’m putting it out here to teach you what you need to know.

Ok – back to it… to figure out your client’s thinking style, listen to the words they use in their conversations. When they speak, do they ‘see’ how things work or ‘hear’ the explanation? Do they ask for a lot of details or prefer sound bites with taking action? Do they take time to think or do they jump in to the conversation quickly? Considering how your clients think about and process the information in your deals means you can be a more effective solutions provider because you can present the deal in the way they will receive best.

Four Thinking Styles

Here is a description of the four thinking styles that, when you use them, can upgrade your sales process.

The Methodical: These people are analytical, more logical and want to know every fine point of the deal. They make decisions slowly and with a lot of information. They do not like disorganization and they fear negative ‘surprises’. They want their guarantee in hand and what to expect at every point of their decision-making process.

The Humanist: These people relate through their humanity so they want to know about other people – their community, your family and other clients, and the stories behind how others are living their lives. They will put others’ needs before their own and can be uncomfortable receiving gifts for themselves. They are usually slow in making decisions and fear separation. Success stories and testimonials and networking to share about people and their backstories are important.

The Spontaneous: These people are present to life as it happens in the moment. They are flexible, available and impulsive. They appreciate the personalized touch. They also tend to dislike traditional approaches, have FOMO (fear of missing out) and make decisions quickly. They feel their way through life, including how to buy their house, so they will want to be enthusiastic and create an experience about their new home.

The Competitive: The Competitives are looking for competence in themselves and others because they want to understand and control life. They are goal-oriented, quick to make decisions and are highly motivated. They can be persuasive in going for what they want and can minimize or overlook their present needs for long-term future success. They are power-oriented and can get irritated by inefficiency. You have to answer the question, ‘what’s in it for me?’ with these folks.

(I just know you’re wondering which of these best describes you now, right?)

Now that you know about thinking styles, let’s talk about learning styles because that’s how people take in new information.

Three Learning Styles

People generally learn new information in one of three ways – visual (sight), auditory (hearing), kinesthetic (touch or doing). You can easily determine someone’s main learning style by the words they use, like “I see that”, “I hear you”, “I want to get my hands on that information”.

You can also determine their learning style by their body language during a conversation. If they close their eyes to recall something, or their eyes dart around to see what’s interesting around them, they are likely a visual learner. If they hum or talk to themselves (even during a meeting), they are likely an auditory learner and they aren’t missing a beat on what’s been said. If they are a kinesthetic learner, they learn through physical movement, so their hand gestures are likely to be dynamic, they will likely touch you with a pat on the back, for example, and they have a hard time sitting still.

Putting this together, if you are working with a visual person by phone, use video chat instead to communicate on their terms. If you are working with an auditory learner, avoid fluffy conversation and use words concisely. If your client is a kinesthetic learner, get them involved in writing numbers on paper, pointing to contract terms or even meet them at the golf course.

Putting It All Together

This is a little bit like getting the keys to a Lamborghini… now you need to know how to start the engine!

I encourage you to think about your clients and your past deals first, especially the ones that got a little bumpy. With what you now know from above, what would you do differently in those deals to make them smoother? How would you approach your clients differently? What could you have understood and said, or understood and adapted your approach, to make your clients more comfortable in the deal?

Next, consider the deals you’re currently working… would you change anything about how you’re working with any of your clients now? If yes, what? Be specific with yourself, then test it the next time you contact each client. Part of your job is to match what your clients need to help them move through the deal easier. So how do you need to become more flexible? What can you do to adapt to your clients’ thinking and learning styles?

If you really want to go for it, think about your marketing – everything from networking to social media to your referral partners. Is it time to upgrade anything in what you’re presenting or sharing?

I know this is a lot to take in… but this is about setting your business up for long-term success. So it’s just only everything that you figure out how to approach your clients for their maximum success, right? That’s why me and my team are available to you with a whole lot of resources – everything from the Freedom Club to the Masterminds to the Deal Desk to the Loan Officer Freedom Podcast. We got your back.

I encourage you to take advantage of a 1:1 strategy session with us which means taking your fastest route to upgrading your business. We will talk through what you’re doing, the results you’re getting, what’s in your way and what you really want for your business. This isn’t some fluffy conversation – we really get into what’s happening for you and help with some recommendations. When you’re ready to go next-level, schedule your session here: LoanOfficerStrategyCall.com.

Now, before you leave this page, I want to hear from you. Was this helpful? Can you see how to use this information in your business? Let me know so I know I’m helping you with what I’m sharing, ok? Thanks in advance.

Carl White, Chief Officer of Coolness
Article Originally Posted on LinkedIn











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