The Top Opportunities for Loan Officers Today

Loan officers are smart, make the most of their resources, build relationships and live on making things happen for their clients. After all, that’s the nature of our business. But I have another take on that for you… here are what I would say are the top opportunities for loan officers today, should you choose to accept the mission behind them.

Screw Up
Yes, you read that right – screw up. Bad. Really blow a deal out of the water every which way you can… miss deadlines, communicate in vague terms, screw up the paperwork, etc. If you’re gonna mess up, get it all out of your system in one blazing shebang of a bad deal. Why? Because it will never, ever happen again. You will learn more from a deal gone sideways than a dozen deals that go flawlessly, so long as you’re paying attention. So screw up, learn from it and never go back.

Exhaust Yourself
Loan officers will often get up with the sun and work until all hours of the night. That’s awesome! Do it again tomorrow, and again the day after that. Do it so that you don’t even know what day or time it is… do it so your family has to introduce themselves to you and you don’t know the meaning of a hot meal. Exhaust yourself so utterly and completely that you can’t fight your own success because, when you’re that exhausted, you’ll either get out or get smart. If you get out, this industry wasn’t for you in the first place. But when you get smart, there’s nothing like it. You can literally create the lifestyle of your dreams when you build your business right. So exhaust yourself until you have no other option than to work smarter. (Been there, done it. This works.)

Get Rejected
I mean it – get more no’s than you thought people could say in a day. Get to love the word no because it’s the one word that will inevitably lead you to a yes. You won’t know when it will happen but, at some point, you will hear a yes. Some might call it working the numbers but I call it working the no. This is literally the fastest way to learn the fine art of turning rejection into revenue.

(Bonus: ‘working the know’ is a play on words that I might explore in a future post. Are you interested in that? Let me know.)

Play Small
Let the phone be bigger than you in your business. Take only the cherry-picked deals – not the ones that need a little elbow grease. Close one, maybe two, loans a month if it’s a good month. Live on ramen noodles and cereal. Cross the vacations and massages and new car off your to-do list. Don’t push any conversation if it might make you look ‘sales-y’. Keep doing what you’ve always done to stay small, invisible and safe. In fact, reduce whatever you’re doing so you’re only closing one loan every other month. Play small until you remember in your cells what it feels like for life to pass you by… play small until that bigger part of you says NO MORE! That’s your pivot point. That’s when you know, like you know you are a man or a woman, that you will never, ever experience playing small again. You got that lesson. That’s when you can get on with being your best self, serving your clients and living a bigger life.

I know I said that these are the top opportunities for loan officers today – I still mean that. There are times when you get knocked down and you have to get up again in business, whether you have to crawl or claw or fight. You have to be able to take it and keep moving.

And yes, there are times when you have to learn the hard way. I prefer to think of it as learning through opposition, because the learning – the kind you can’t forget – happens when you experience the opposite of what you really want.

In fact, in my experience, going through these kinds of situations is almost a rite of passage for loan officers. Selfishly, I want to help you change that. Sharing what I know gives me indescribable joy when I see the difference it makes in people’s lives. But sometimes people just gotta learn their own way.

If you’re one of those people who need to learn the hard way, then I wish it’s as easy and quick as possible for you.

But if you’re one of those people who want to make it as easy as possible to learn, go and grow, then get my latest book – – and take advantage of the free session I am offering there. Seriously.

Now I want to learn from you. What do you see as ‘opportunities’ that didn’t feel like it at the time? What ‘opportunities’ grew you and your business because you endured them? What were some of the nightmares that caused you to become better at what you do?

I want to know because I want others to see your story and be inspired by it. Share what you’ve experienced loud and proud in comments below – and then comment on others’ stories to let them know you’re inspired by what they’ve shared.

After all, to paraphrase a teaching I read, these kinds of opportunities show that we’re all just walking each other home.

Carl White, Chief Officer of Coolness
Article Originally Published on LinkedIn











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