The secret to getting great reviews is….ASK FOR THEM!

Ok, that’s a little simplistic, there’s actually another valuable part to it.

You have to tell them how to give a great review.

I have found the best formula is the following:

1. Here’s where they were
2. This was their challenge
3. Here’s how you helped them
4. Here’s their results

So when I ask for reviews, I literally ask them for it, give them the formula, and then give them an example.

That’s it.

It’s a simple ask, and you’ll find the nice, pleasant, and giving people (like you) will leave reviews when you ask.

So I’m going to ask you, as the reader of this email to do me a favor…

Go Here and leave me a review, please.

If I have helped you grow, kept you inspired, given you direction, or just simply helped you get through some tough times, just comment on

1. Here’s where you were
2. What was your challenge
3. How did I help you
4. What has been the results

I would sincerely appreciate you helping me to inspire others…. it’s
what the cool people do.

Here’s 2 examples:

A personal thanks from me for helping me to inspire others…. it’s what the cool people do.

Just go to