The Power of Presentations for Business Growth


The Power of Presentations for Business Growth

On the next #1 rated podcast for LOs, Carl White is joined by speaker, coach & trainer, Roberto Monaco! Roberto has conducted over 4,500 presentations around the world covering topics that range from public speaking to video marketing.

You’ll learn TONS of helpful tips for communicating, presenting & influencing (in a totally cool way, of course!)

Whether you’ve done presentations before, are looking for tips to fine-tune your skills, or are completely new to the craft, this Q&A styled episode will give you a clear view of how to use presentations to build relationships with agents that produce real referrals!

Hot Topics:
• Why presentations are crucial for LOs (03:30)
• Group presentations vs. 1-on-1 presentations (06:01)
• Tips for when the fear creeps in (09:20)
• Roberto’s “formula” for presentations (16:52)
• The art of storytelling (24:28)
• The 2 things you should always have with you when presenting (26:25)

Get to know Roberto: Roberto worked for The Anthony Robbins Companies for 6 years, & 4/6 of those years he was the top producer & revenue generator in the country. He also coached & trained all of the other Peak Performance Strategists at The Anthony Robbins Companies. Today, Roberto is the co-founder of InfluenceOlogy, a training and coaching firm that helps sales professionals, leaders & executives to acquire more clients, make more
money & advance their mission through the art and science of influence.

Want to learn more? Visit or Download Roberto’s FREE Ebooks Here