The “I Have To Give 3 Cards” Script


So I was sitting in my office the other day and Sue, a loan officer that is a private consulting client of mine, sent me over a message as a quick SOS signal.  Here was her message:

“I have a realtor with me right now – here’s the question: Her brokers (she is in FL) tell her that there is a “law” that she has to recommend more than one lender. I know there is no such law, but what do I say to her Carl?  I need to know ASAP as I’m sitting with her now.  Thanks!”

How many times have we all heard the ‘ol “I have to hand out 3 cards” response from agents?!

Now, some of the time, this is a real situation that is in agents’ minds that they really think they do need to hand out 3 cards based on some erroneous information that somebody has given them.  Other times it’s nothing more than a “deflection” response from agents, you know, meaning that you really haven’t given them a reason to give out just your card


You don’t actually want them to give your card to a prospect, who may or may not call you, by the way. 


…you want the agent to tell the prospect you will be calling them, then that agent call you and give the referral to you.  This ensures a solid connection, instead of the ol’ “well, I gave them your card, I’m not sure why they didn’t call you…” response from agents.

So here’s the script that I sent over to Sue, my private consulting client:

“Awesome, it’s an honor to be one of the 3.  At least we know that 1 out of every 3 of your referrals will close on time and you will have great communication on the loan process, and that 1/3rd of the time that your leads will be followed up like green on a pickle, so at least on those, you will get even more referrals from them once they are in your past database.  On the other 2, well, all bets are off.”

Now, let’s talk about that script for a minute and I’ll explain why it works so well, and give you some follow up information that will help you get a lot more referrals in other ways too.  

A few years ago I sent a survey out to around 15,000 real estate agents asking them what their #1 complaint was with loan officers that they refer to.

Here’s what came back in the order of importance to them.

#1:  They don’t close on time

#2:  They don’t communicate with me on the loan process, I don’t know what’s going on with the file.

#3:  The loan officer doesn’t follow up on my leads

So I knew right then what to focus on in my marketing to agents….

I call this my “Realtor Referral Getting” Checklist

1.  Close on time!

2.  Communicate with them every Tuesday morning on what’s going on with the files we are working on together (either me or my team calls them with updates)!

[by the way, there’s another script my team uses to get tons more deals when we do those weekly updates.  Be sure to ask me about the “Just Ask” script when you do your complimentary strategy call with us by going here:

3.  Follow up on their leads relentlessly! 

So you want to weave those 3 things in all of your marketing and scripts because those are the things they said are most problematic with their current lender they are giving all their referrals too.

When you cover those 3 things, you’ll get a deluge of business from agents… 


But listen to this, it’s one thing to say you’re going to do those 3 things, it’s another to actually do them. 


But we can talk about how to structure “who’s doing what” in your current day to day activity to show you how to use your current resources to make those 3 things happen like clockwork during your strategy call.  It’s way easier than you think…

…it’s just prior to now, nobody has shown you how…
… but once you know just a few things, you’ll see how epic your mortgage business can be, getting even more referrals and all with less stress ☺

Talk soon!

PS.  On your strategy call, we will be going over some other “loan getting” scripts too.  This call will be a great source for even more free scripts ☺

Go here now to see if there are any openings left for your complimentary strategy call:

Back To The Basics

In this episode, Carl White interviews loan officer Kevin Newton as they talk about “What’s Working Now”. They discuss the simple activities that has Kevin closing loans in today’s environment and with today’s challenges.

Schedule a one-on-one free call here where we will go over a daily plan for your specific mortgage business. 

3 questions to start our meeting

Thousands of high-level LOs have invested to be in my Loan Officer Freedom Club group. At the beginning of these meetings, we start with three questions.

These three questions can be used for pretty much any area of life – and answering them is your first step to achieving your dreams:

1. Where are you?

2. Where do you want to go?

3. How are you going to get there?

Your focus for these questions could be personal or professional. You can use it everywhere. Any dilemma, any opportunity, any challenge, any problem, any DREAM you have, you can ask yourself these three questions.

Since your mind can’t ignore a question, these questions elicit resourcefulness – and resourcefulness is one of the most important qualities you can utilize to achieve your dreams.

When you answer these three questions, you start inventing a bigger future for yourself, and you can transform your life.



P.S. So… where are you? Where do you want to go? How are you going to get there?

Go with me to this page and I’ll set you up to help map it all out for you <no charge>

Closing 7 Loans on Month 2

Have you ever wondered how to become a loan officer? Maybe you’re a new loan officer that needs direction on how to start bringing in the business. Well, you’re in luck because on this week’s episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the country’s #1 loan officer podcast, Carl White is talking to Kyron Stokes about just that topic.

Kyron closed his 1st loan last month and is on track to close 7 loans this month… all self-sourced. You will hear his step-by-step plan, ready for you to swipe and deploy. 

He got into the business by chance but had a desire to learn more about how this all worked. One main thing that intrigued him was the fact that as a loan officer, you can help people and make money while doing it. 

He’ll share how does it, how you can do it, and you’ll learn what works when just getting started as a loan officer.

Have more questions about what it takes to find your way to freedom? Jump on a call here to learn tips, tricks, and scripts that work.